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All Content by SoCalRN1970

  1. Inpatient Hospice Nurses ..I need your advice on pharmacy situation

    agree.. new pharmacy needed.
  2. Office is requiring daily paperwork drop off and review??

    This office's daily note turn and review has been initiated and carried out by the other team manager. This craziness has nothing to do with Corporate. I decided to jump the fence and take over the other team. Our office is suffereing and I just c...
  3. I am considering this position due to the poor leadership in our office and actually the fact there is NO clinical support due to NO hospice experience by the other manager in charge. She is clueless, is rude, and is demeaning. I'd like to get out ...
  4. drug diversion

    I had morphine go missing once.. that I can understand. This was a huge hispanic family who was very anxious and frankly many people in a small house. Giving the benefit of the doubt I ordered a new bottle of roxanol. Within the next visit The bo...
  5. Odessey Hospice

    I'd say.. I work for the Big O. Our requirements are corporate standards, saying that our office should be no different then Texas.. I am expected to do 21 visits a week.. that is the full time expectation They frown upon overtime but seriously?...
  6. I am kidding a tad. But really, I just got report on my patient that several of my relief staff members are seeing for me on my days off. My patient is a 53 year old gentleman who was just diagnosed weeks ago with an aggressive cancer. True he is i...
  7. Office is requiring daily paperwork drop off and review??

    Begins with an O... won't say more.. lol
  8. Office is requiring daily paperwork drop off and review??

    I have temporarily accepted this plight.. and am charging overtime..1 hour a day.. to the tune of 60 dollars a day for this. It they want it, they pay me for it.
  9. Do you hospice nurses attend funerals of patients?

    I never attend funerals. It's just my own rule. I am there to help patients pass away in comfort and dignity. Funerals and memorials are there to celebrate a loved one's life. It's for family, friends..
  10. Interview I bombed at hospice today

    I agree with the above posters. I will say I have interviewed at so many agencies over the years. I have not always opted to work there but my success rate for call back or offer is has been about 80%. I am not special, but you learn the rules of...
  11. Worst 1st job experience

    I have left positions like this early on in my nursing career. You are not held by anyone's judgement. Just take your knowlege, your experience from this and be very selective on your next job. You know what to ask at your next interview? 1.) ...
  12. Hospice in Assisted Living Facilities

    I have been in similiar situations. WHat I have done is the daily calls with my visits to update family. I have seen unreported falls, skin tears etc. ALL have been reported to family or DPOA so THEY can take it up with the ALF. I try to remove m...
  13. I was on call last weekend. I was called to "go do a discharge on a patient who was going back to her board and care" and was currently at an acute hospital. The admissions on call manager told me " we haven't gotten consents yet, dpoa out of the ...
  14. Silverado hospice anyone?

    I worked there in 2005. THere was alot of crazy things going on since it was a new start up. I can only speak from what I recall. THey did not offer GIP or CC. If they did offer cc the regular staff was expected to staff it and then work a regula...
  15. I am curious about this. I just discharged a patient who was on service for 9 months. She left the area and moved back to our service area. I just saw her last week or so. Yes, it;s the same patient I am wishing would just go away lol. None the...
  16. [size="3"]Ladies and Gents.. I am so burnt out already. I am so frustrated I had to take a sick day off tomorrow.. It means alot to do this as I do not have PTO yet and that means a day without pay. I have posted here before. I am new about ...
  17. Comfort kits

    My experience with ekits are very much what others have stated. I have also worked with HP an they go over kill on what is needed. Have thrown away so many HBR supps, and haldal its horrible. BUT! The idea of the kit is s necessity I use to work...
  18. Yes, I have talked to the manager that matters. The result? More meetings..
  19. In the honeymoon stage?

    You are definitely in the honeymoon stage. But.. that's not a bad thing. keep your barriers up and keep your internal happiness #1. I practice certain aspects that have kept things fresh. I have been doing Hospice for 8 years. ** First of all.. d...
  20. Discharge From Inpatient Unit With NO Pain Meds???

    NOT NORMAL. Poor communication on both parts for discharge planning. Being on the recieving end of such a patient, it is imperative to know what scripts have been written for pain coverage BEFORE the pateint is sent out. Now that of course was n...
  21. I am seeking support and or advice. I am just so worn out with my new job. I left an agency that was a bit corrupt and fruadulent with claims to go to one that has NO idea *** is going on. I can't seem to go a day without some major screw up. My...
  22. Does hospice pay for luprone injections

    This is a hospice specific issues. They have the ability to pay or NOT to pay for this. It's also important to the hospice to know that denying payment on such an expensive drug may severe any future referral to the hospice. I have worked at many...
  23. Did I make the biggest mistake of my career?

    Wel.. I did it. My big boss asked me to come in and speak to her. I did. What we shared was shocking. She told me that my middle management is thrilled with me and can't believe how good my paperwork is, my flexibility and my experience. I tol...
  24. NO, my husband is not in pain. Or is he?

    I admitted a patient last week with the dx of CHF. He was moving around in bed, and snf staff reported he was agitated and in pain. Patient wife at bedside. I asked to speak with her to just get a better insight on the patient status. She openly...
  25. NO, my husband is not in pain. Or is he?

    well.. still no return phone call today. Will ask for a family meeting with our social worker.