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About Hopeful-RN-NOLA

Pursing a second career in nursing

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  1. Charity Hospital

    Here's the link for more information.
  2. Charity Hospital

    And if you're in nursing school, you can join their stipend program once you've completed at least 6 months of classes. They pay you $500/month. For each month that they give you the stipend, you have...
  3. charity fall 2005

  4. questions about charity and study time

    From Level III and IV students, "You will student day and night." How true is this? Actually, I like studying, but geez, ALL day, EVERY
  5. Charity Nursing School C/O May 2007

    I am very excited. I can't wait. Last Wednesday was boring. All the work starts this week. Don't forget to bring your binders. We're going to be getting two big stacks of notes from the course...
  6. charity fall 2005

    Does anyone know what exactly is going to take place on Student to Student Day on August 3rd? I received a postcard about it, but don't quite know what it's
  7. charity fall 2005

    Does any has copies of the notes for Basics? I'd like to begin
  8. charity fall 2005

    Kelli, I'm starting in the fall, too. I can't wait. I went to advising this week. There is so much to do and get done before August. Will you be in the day division or evening
  9. Beginning RN Salary in Louisiana

    I've notice that some hospitals offer sign on bonuses up to $5000. What's the catch? Do you get the $ immediatley in your first paycheck or do you have to work there for two years? Also, how do the...
  10. Beginning RN Salary in Louisiana

    I've notice that some hospitals offer sign on bonuses up to $5000. What's the catch? Do you get the $ immediatley in your first paycheck or do you have to work there for two years? Also, how do the...
  11. Charity School of Nursing

    If anyone wants to buy my Pax Review book, let me
  12. Charity School of Nursing

    Yes, I've mailed in all of the forms and paperwork, except for the one with the shots. I have two more of the hep shots to take. That one's not due until the summer I think...because the series takes...
  13. Charity School of Nursing

    Is there anyone here that will be starting Charity in the RN Fall 2005
  14. Charity School of Nursing

    I called Charity today to find out when they will be sending the admission letters out and all they say is "December." Well, it is December! Has anyone received their letter yet for Fall 2005
  15. OLOLC @ Tulane Hospital in New Orleans.

    Has anyone heard back from OLOLC besides the letter acknowledging that they've received their application? Anyone begin interviews with them yet for entering class Fall