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All Content by RNinCanada

  1. Why were they sent to boil water?

    This may be an odd question, but my co-workers and I have come up with some different answers: Many years ago, when midwives and elders came to the house to deliver babies, the husband was usually sent to boil water. What was the water used for? Ster...
  2. 2 weeks notice

    There are some websites that can help you. just put in "resignation letter" in to google or what ever search engine you like. Can find many different types.
  3. Hi....New Here

    Hi Beth. I am new here too. I have little experience- I worked 3 1/2 yrs at a nursing home then worked briefly on medical (2 months) before moving to peds for just under a year. I worked on l&d for 2 1/2 yrs. Presently working as community health...