This happened to a nurse I used to work with. Working in L&D in the cold north. She would wear a turtle neck under her scrubs. If she had to scrub a c-section she would go into the med room...
bam_bam replied to HappyNurse2005's topic in General Nursing
I went to 12 hour nights so I could see my 9yo son more. When I worked days I left the house before he had to get up for school. Got home around 8pm just in time to say "go to bed" Now, I can get...
One thing I would like to add: When the doc is getting the baby out, they have to apply pressure to the fundus. This can be rather scary feeling if you aren't aware of it. It feels like an elephant...
I got curious the other day so I drew up some phenergan and tested it using some of our nitrazine paper. The ph according to that was 5.0 personally I dilute with 9cc of saline when I am pushing it...
I just recently dealt with this. It does depend on the staff, how many are in for a c/section. Normally here it is one, but in this case, they allowed both adoptive parents in the OR. The amount of...
bam_bam replied to cabbage patch rn's topic in Ob/Gyn
No supplements here except by mom's request or dr's order. This is very rare though. If babe isn't nursing well, mom pumps and give that to babe. We cupfeed. If babe is jaundiced, under lights,...
bam_bam replied to mickeymouse1205's topic in General Nursing
I hate to write or rewrite policies! I hate it when we are slow and my nurse manager asks "Can you write a policy for ______?" She knows that I would rather pull my eyelashes out one by one than...
We usually start Pitocin an hour after Cervidil is out. Never run Pit and have Cervidil in together! Cervidil is in for 12 hours and we can repeat if necessary. I prefer this if there isn't much...
Oh I HATE it when this happens! :angryfire It seems like my department gets the majority of these type of calls! Then you have to play detective. "This is a hospital, the call could have come from...