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About Laurie52

Laurie52 has 36 years experience and specializes in SICU/CVICU.

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  1. Disrespectful patient

    Just curious, why admit to ICU if
  2. Life, death, and dying.

    Paralytic do not alter pupil size or the pupillary light
  3. Why do some nurses "hate their jobs"?

    I have worked full time as a bedside nurse since 1974 except for a recent medical leave. I still learn new things. I have great coworker's, they have my back and I have theirs. My manager is also...
  4. ABG Results, Explain this to me....

    I would redraw and have it run on a different machine. It doesn't make any sense that a pco2 would be so low with a respiratory rate of 10 to 12 and the fact that it didn't give a saturation is...
  5. I agree. There are non so blind as those who will not
  6. Atrial pacing above 100 to increase CO/MAP

    How do you know this patient had a fluid deficit? From what you describe, this is pretty much standard care s/p CABG. Before you decide you know more than the board certified surgeon who has gone to...
  7. Doesn't California have mandated staffing
  8. Do you have anything that resembles a personal code of
  9. Triage question

    The 20 year old could have an undiagnosed clotting disorder and a pulmonary embolism. It's too easy to get burned when just looking at the age of the
  10. Nurse Bullying

    No, you did not give examples. You just said you were bullied. What constitutes being
  11. Nurse Bullying

    I always thought that the younger nurses were jealous of me because I'm so much closer to retirement. And just to break some of the stereotypes, I'm very techno savvy and can still multitask. Where...
  12. How long was your
  13. Second Thoughts about Nursing

    When I was a 3rd year nursing student I decided to switch majors and get a double history and literature major. My father said that's fine if I know how I was going to support myself. I stayed in...
  14. Paramedics and palliative care

    If you had overdosed her with a narcotic her pupils would have been constricted. She was probably dying which must had been expected if she was
  15. Seriously ???

    OK, I'm back. I am not a school nurse. I have more confidence in kids than you do. Inflammatory, not really, just a different perspective. I will just leave at