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All Content by MeganMarie

  1. New Grad. Want to work in the ICU

    New grads do get hired in to ICU, you can do it! I just did! I am a graduate of an ADN program, I passed my exam on the first try two weeks after I graduated, and was the top of my graduating class. I completed my senior practicum in the ICU, and ...
  2. Calling all new grads/new to the ICU starting Feb. 2013!!!!

    I just graduated in December from an ADN program, I completed my preceptorship in the ICU, and was hired on to an ICU just recently for a three month residency with a one year contract to work after the initial residency is complete. I even scored d...
  3. Blood Transfusion

    Stop the transfusion, but also sounds like possible hypocalcemia (I wonder how much blood has been given), not a serious reaction. But since this is a priority question and you cannot go with the "what if" scenario and add in things that are not in ...
  4. How do I rescind an offer that I've already accepted?

    A tough situation, and one that I just went through myself. I am also a new grad nurse. I was actually offered three jobs, and the third interview that I had was the position I wanted most, however they did tell me it would take them two weeks or s...
  5. Please HELP New Grad NYC to OU Medical

    Hey I took the job too! How crazy so you are a Cardiac Resident then? As am I! I need to fly out in the next few weekends to look for a place as well.
  6. Please HELP New Grad NYC to OU Medical

    Are you taking the job Groovychick? I wish I could message you personally to chat more about this, my interview went well.
  7. Please HELP New Grad NYC to OU Medical

    I am so glad I found this post, I am flying out to interview next week, I am a new grad nurse from Washington State, if I do get hired that is a LONG way from home and I would love to network to make some new nursing friends! Anyone know anything ab...