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All Content by mjmcwhirter

  1. ASU Summer of 2011 applicants!

    Rach2012: Well, at least I now know who some of the alternates were from last semester that didn't get advanced: You, me and Tamara. ....we three were obviously attending the wrong church back then.... Moe
  2. ASU Summer of 2011 applicants!

    NurseAsh2012: When I went to the "All Hands" meeting for the Spring 2011 admittees as an alternate last semester, I got the distinct impression that if you didn't attend the Lighting of the Lamp ceremony, you would be unceremoniously shot. So, you ...
  3. ASU Summer of 2011 applicants!

    I already have a BA (non-medical) from years ago. I also have everything paid by the Veterans Administration educational program, and my daughters have done everything regarding their college financial stuff themselves with loans, grants, my money, ...
  4. ASU Summer of 2011 applicants!

    Hey All! Sorry I'm late to this webstring of messages. Didn't know it existed until a friend told me of it today, but some of you may know me: I'm the old short guy who was on the Alternate List last semester. I got in this time, though. Got the...
  5. ASU Nursing Program Spring 2011 hopefuls

    Apparently, I'm accepted. Friend called today saying the letter arrived, they opened it, and it said I had to respond by 6APR2011. Should be home by then....hopefully. I'll call the school Monday anyway. Thanks for the update!
  6. ASU Nursing Program Spring 2011 hopefuls

    Wednesday, 06APR2011 is the last day to accept admission?!! For real?? Holy Crap! They told me we would have upwards of 3 weeks to respond! I hope I can get off active duty quick enough to get home and send in the admission acceptance letter........
  7. ASU Nursing Program Spring 2011 hopefuls

    Hi all! Moe here again, after a 4-month hiatus. I'm mobilized to Wash DC for a couple of weeks (Damn Libyans!), but will be back in Phoenix soon. ASU said they'd send out acceptance/rejection/alternate list letters thhis week, and I have friends l...
  8. ASU Nursing Program Spring 2011 hopefuls

    AkAtHrt: I didn't study for the TEAS. I took it cold. I just walked in to take it after a final this summer, after nearly forgetting it was the day to take it! However, I understand that the new book to study from is Version 5. Good luck with t...
  9. ASU Nursing Program Spring 2011 hopefuls

    Tgirl: "Old short guy with beer belly and food on his shirt"! HA! You obviously didn't look at my shirt very closely! :rotfl: OK, enough of this! :hlk: This is a serious chat room! Only very important ASU Nursing School admissions stuff discussed he...
  10. ASU Nursing Program Spring 2011 hopefuls

    Yeah, I even walked around talking to bunches of people after the first break (and before I talked to Tgirl) trying to find some Alternates.....couldn't find anyone! Except for Tgirl (who actually had the courage to talk to me!), all the rest of you...
  11. ASU Nursing Program Spring 2011 hopefuls

    REMAINING ALTERNATES: Just letting you know that I messed up slightly with telling some of you who I thought was still on the Alternate List, and who got advanced to Accepted from the Alternate List. I thought I personally knew Rach2012, as I thought...
  12. ASU Nursing Program Spring 2011 hopefuls

    InspiredRN10: The TEAS is an appitude test that depends on info you've experienced or picked up on in life, and you really shouldn't be able to study for it, but it helps to get a "feel" for the test. I took it "blind", and almost forgot to take it...
  13. ASU Nursing Program Spring 2011 hopefuls

    Thanks Rach! By the way, I should have said "Don't trust anyone OVER 30", instead of "under". What can I say?....the 60's were a LONG time ago!
  14. ASU Nursing Program Spring 2011 hopefuls

    I'm on the ASU Nursing School Spring 2011 Alternate List. I have a 5.558 advancement score. That's based on a 3.744 grade point average and a 90.7 TEAS score. That grade point should go to 4.0 after this semester, and I should get in with no problem ...