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  1. NCBON: Is this an Invasion of privacy ?

    oh yes there are some "clever" people! if they would put all that energy into something positive there lives might not be full of lies and deception, the only one they are fooling are themselves. how sad. The nursing field is still dominated by fem...
  2. NCBON: Is this an Invasion of privacy ?

    I am now working for the collection site where I (did) drug test as a clinical manager, Now I have some real insite!!!!!!!!!!
  3. BEST video on drinking and driving!! Must Watch

    Thank you, I think they should show this video everywhere.
  4. YouTube - TAC Campaign - 20 year Anniversary retrospective montage music by REM TV ad
  5. Pleased to introduce myself

    Call your cell phone provider and ask for a copy of those texts, especially due to these circumstances. Now, what state did this happen in? I have learned through my own friendly faults, I may mean one thing but it is taken totally different. I ha...
  6. Pleased to introduce myself

    Do you have a copy of the messages? Both sent and recieved?
  7. NCBON: Is this an Invasion of privacy ?

    YA HOO! sissykim!!! are you in North Carolina? if so where. you can send a private message.
  8. NCBON: Is this an Invasion of privacy ?

    Thank you, all_over_agai, Do not loss any sleep over this, because I am sleeping like a new born baby. But thanks for thinking about me and others, when you wake up. You are compassionate!!!
  9. NCBON: Is this an Invasion of privacy ?

    all_over_again and sissykim, Thank you for your in put. One more thought, I bet the DOT employees are MOSTLY MEN. Please, do not misread me, I am accepting and surrendering, totally, to this new policy the NCBON has established. I will comply w...
  10. NCBON: Is this an Invasion of privacy ?

    thank you for all the comments on this invasive procedure. acceptance!!! i have accepted and accepted and accepted with grace and charm. it was a big struggle for the first years but now i try to just go with it. just because we are in recovery do...
  11. As of Jan 1, 2011, the North Carolina board of nursing... Issued this new policy for urine drug screens. Keep in mind, it is not the drug testing or even the observed collections. It is the manner in which the test is performed. Is this done in any o...