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All Content by yel550i

  1. Class of 2013 anyone?

    MAYYYYYY 2013!!!!!!!!!! *looks at calendar* haha
  2. Do you use a rolling backpack? What one?

    A ton of my nursing classmates put them to great use! I on the other hand hate holding up traffic going in and out doorways so I have yet to get one! haha
  3. Worried I'm Not Cut Out for Nursing

    Although I am not a Registered Nurse as of yet, I am a Senior nursing student graduating this May :). But, as far as worrying about hurting someone else don't let that be the reason you don't apply for nursing school. You'll be trained appropriately ...
  4. What do you listen to while studying

    OMG Pitaya I LOVE studying to Owl city!!! Hahaha I had to mention that..I just had to!
  5. I made it!!!! I am a nursing Graduate!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! Cant wait until I can Make the same post!! haha
  6. Ok, so I enter the nursing program this fall of 2011 and the truth is i'm nervous and super excited all at the same time!! knowing myself and that this is my calling I will commit and failure will not be an option! But there is always that thought in...
  7. Hmmmmm Why Do Nursing Students Fail?

    THANK YOU ALL for replying so quickly!!(i love this site) I agree with all of you But AOX1 I really loved your post being that it's good to know that students dont particularly fail out for not being smart enough!! Sounds like All I have to do to be ...
  8. Hey Nurse Leroy and Morningdew ...I PM'ed you both
  9. Hey thanks Schap I really appreciate it!
  10. Nursing School Must Haves??

    I plan to use every bit of this
  11. Starting NS in a week!

    Congratulations You'll Do great!! P.s. I start in August :)
  12. People should let nursing schoolbe nursing school!!..And let facebook be facebook!!
  13. how far do you drive for school

    literally 5mins :)
  14. What is harder A&P or Micro?

    Honestly both were kind of easy as long as you study...An both can be hard if you dont study..But A&P is easier in my opinion
  15. what gpa is good?

    as far as searching for jobs your gpa seems pretty good!!...Good luck :)
  16. I questioned it as well, But i honestly couldnt see myself doing anything else!!
  17. Am I going to be doing to much?? Advice needed!!

    You'll Be Just Fine!
  18. Great Great Great!!! I really want to thank all of you!! An I will BE PM'ing you both so look out!!:) Once again thank you!
  19. Man thats very unfortunate!! Yes, I too heard it was an awesome school as well! Have you heard anything in particular in regards to the BSN program itself? Like whether is very strenous or are they very willing to help?
  20. I Have just been accepted to Jefferson college of health sciences Bachelor's of Nursing Program For The Fall of 2011!!..Words cant explain how excited I Am!!...Anyone Else Attending?? ...Im cant wait to use all the Tips I've been reading on this site...
  21. Jefferson College Of Health Sciences Here I Come!!

    Thanksssss I Really Appreciate That RNintheMaking....Thanks to you I Just wrote that Saying Down to take with me to school,To make sure i stay focused(which i know i will)
  22. Hi everyone, Im currently a sophmore at a 4 year college. BUT I want to explore my options In other nursing programs. I have an overall gpa of 3.06(Low yes im aware) But my core science grades(micro, A&P I & II,etc.) Consists of "B+'s","B's",...