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About BettyBoop01

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  1. My reality of becoming an RN

    Tried that, it didnt work out. I ended up with renters (chosen with a "thorough screening" from the property management company I paid) who didnt pay and a lot of damage I ended up footing the bill...
  2. My reality of becoming an RN

    Well there you have it, becoming an RN was officially the biggest mistake I have made thus far in my life. I am throwing in the towel and going back to my former career if they will have me. I had a...
  3. I am doing a paper for school.... please post your opinion

    Definately the poor staffing. They are cutting the secretary hours, cutting the cnas, and giving the RNS more patients. So now we have more patients and less help. And then on top of the added...
  4. New Grads long until they can float ?

    My floor you could float right off orientation, and it was traumatizing. It was also not
  5. Do you like your current job? Just
  6. Can I still look for tech job if I'm graduating in May?

    Of course you can! Tech experience is so helpful! You graduate in May, but then you will be studying for the boards. You can work as a tech while searching for an RN job and it will certainly be worth...
  7. What type of surgical floor? Is it general surgical? Or like Ortho? GI? Bariatric? Plastic Surgery?I worked on a general surgical floor, with scheduled and trauma surgeries. I love surgical, very...
  8. If I were you with your experience I would just apply right to the dialysis clinics. They offer pretty extensive training from what I have read. The two big ones are Fresenius and Davita. Can't hurt...
  9. What would you rather do?

    The least expensive hotel room I found was 64 a night, so for 3 nights that is almost 200 a week. It is a remote area, not much going on I am shocked there isn't anything cheaper. I am going to try...
  10. How much does it cost to park at MGH? How much to commute via the T? I really think overall it would end up costing you. But sometimes you have to take what you can get until you can get what you...
  11. What would you rather do?

    Would you rather commute an hour and a half each way (knowing your shift starts at 530am) and pay all the gas prices and wear and tear on your car, or rent an apartment (which will cost a little bit...
  12. What do you think ....

    Purposely understaffing to boost
  13. Switch to nights then, it will be sooo easy. You will get paid more and you can shop online while all your patients sleep. Ignorance is bliss. Carry
  14. Current Piedmont RN Residency

    Optimus RN Sorry I missed your post. I did interview for the position. They were supposed to let us know one way or another if we got it in " 3 weeks or so" . Still have not heard anything. It was a...
  15. I think less than 12 bucks an hour is offensive. That being said, they will most definately fill every spot because of the new grad glut in Massachusetts. I bet it will be really competative too and...