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All Content by acupofgas

  1. Boston College

    No, organic chemistry is not a prerequisite for BC. I am a SRNA at BC and all I had was Introduction to Medical Chemistry (3 lec hours and 1 lab hour course) it was sufficient. That was all that was required for my BSN. I did not have to take any mor...
  2. Boston College

    I sent my application in at the last minute as I had to sit the GRE, and then certify in PALS. I think they received my application a week or two before the deadline. If you broke 1000 on the GRE, have a good GPA, have 3 years of SICU, have a strong ...
  3. Where did you get your BSN?

    There was no campus requirement CSUDH. You should check their website.
  4. Where did you get your BSN?

    I obtained my BSN through California State University Dominguez Hills. It is an online RN to BSN program. It is accredited like any on-campus BSN CSU school. There was no problem with my applications into CRNA school and I am currently in a CRNA prog...
  5. Boston College

    Some are MSN with a concentration in nurse anesthesia or a MSNA or MNA. I do not know if there is a difference in the MSN and MNA/MSNA. I know some schools have a MS in Anesthesiology, MS in Biology, MS in Health Sciences etc... I am not sure what ...
  6. Need advice on which career path to take.

    The Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs requires a minimum of a year ICU experience. This is an accreditation standard. I do not know what programs are taking ER and PACU in lieu of this requirement. So even though you d...
  7. Ways to enhance my application into CRNA program

    Take your CCRN, ACLS (my school required PALS as well), have good relationships with coworkers, managers, and professors so that you can have solid references. Look at the requirement of each school you are interested in and make sure you have them. ...
  8. Boston College

    Yes I have my CCRN. I was working but I decided to stop shortly after I started. However that is just me there are at least 3 or 4 students who are still working. Good luck. Let me know how you get along.
  9. Boston College

    The Boston College interview process is really low key and not clinically focused at all. It is more a get to know you and very general questions. Just be yourself. I was nervous too. I can't speak too much about the NEU program as when I knew I wa...
  10. Does CRNA or Nurse Practitioner must have Bachelor's degree?

    You must have a minimum of a year of ICU experience. No ER required (nor is it accepted). This is an accreditation requirement of all programs. While you don't specifically need a BSN for all CRNA programs, you need at least a baccalaureate degree a...
  11. am I a strong candicate for CRNA

    I am originally a foreign trained nurse with a hospital nursing diploma. My foreign education was in an English speaking country. While working as a RN in the US for over 10 years I took all my BSN/GE requirements at a community college and transfer...
  12. Boston College

    Okay let me update this information a bit. I am currently in the CRNA program at BC. Just like Northeastern it is a MSN program and so there are core MSN classes that are required. In total BC has 8 core MSN classes, 7 anesthesia didactic courses, 5...
  13. Boston College MSN/NP program question

    Hi, I am in the grad program at BC. A Grade Point Average of (GPA) of 3.0 is required. If the GPA falls below 3.0 the student will be on academic review. Students receiving an “F” in one course or two (2) courses of “C” also will be placed on aca...
  14. Clinical sites in CRNA school

    My school is less than 10 years old with only 16 students in the class and has all clinical sites (except 1, which is occasionally used and is 75 miles away) pretty much in the greater metropolitan area of the the major city it is located next too. T...
  15. Best online ADN to BSN program and other questions

    Try CSU Dominguez Hills for RN to BSN online as well. I am in a top ranked program and had more than one offer. What is important is that you go to a school that is either NLN or CCNE accredited. Brick and mortar or online does not matter so much.
  16. Getting into CRNA School w/ Online ADN to BSN

    I was accepted at Columbia and Boston College and received interviews at UPenn and Northeastern (which I declined as I was already in). I received my online BSN at CSU, Dominguez Hills in CA. The important thing to make sure the BSN program you choo...
  17. Accepted to CRNA school w/ Online BSN?

    My RN to BSN was online through California State University. The only time I went to the campus was for graduation. I am currently in a program in MA that takes only 16 students every year. There are only two programs in the state and it is highly c...
  18. Columbia University Admits - June 2011

    I was accepted last week to Columbia as well. I applied to the MSN program. I was very happy to be accepted; however I am not attending Columbia in June. I am starting at BC in MA next month.
  19. I completed my RN to BSN online through California State University Dominguez Hills and start a MSN CRNA program in January. Please note: This CSUDH online BSN program is for RNs wanting to get their BSN. It is a degree awarded the same as at any oth...
  20. math requirements

    Nope. That should be it. I had to take statistics and that was it.
  21. Some schools require less than 5 years since a specific science class was taken. Most schools tell you on their requirement for admission page. I applied to 6 schools and only two required any additional science classes and nothing was specified abou...
  22. CRNA, green card, please advise fast! Once you have a greencard you are considered a permanant resident and can work wherever you like. You do not need an employer to sponsor you to renew it.
  23. CRNA, green card, please advise fast!

    Once you have a green card you do not have to be responsored by an employer. You just reappy with the INS every 10 years. You are considered a permanent resident. Are you eligible for citizenship? I hope this helps.
  24. What got you into school?

    Applied to U of Penn, Boson College, Columbia, U of Maryland and Northeastern Accepted into one, have an interview at another and still in review at the rest. No rejections yet. :) BSN GPA: 3.84 (A's in science prerequisites) MHA GPA: 3.96 GRE: ...