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About marinka

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  1. need help with BSN practicum

    Hi Lynn, I know what you mean. My relatives and friends are in Brooklyn. 7 hours by car seems kinda far to visit them on weekends. By the time I get there the weekend would be
  2. need help with BSN practicum

    Hi Isearl, I appretiate your help very much. I found it on the map, but it is very far from Brooklyn. Do you know anything closer to the city? Perhaps Westchester, Orange, or Rockland couty? If I...
  3. Endorsing license

    Hi, I am not sure about the process right now. Contact a state board of nursing in NY, and they will help you.
  4. Salaries in NYC

    BTW, LIU pays $10+ for work study or being a mentor, while nurses aid is physically demanding
  5. Salaries in NYC

    $12-$14/hour I believe nursing homes pay less and hospitals a bit more, but I think it depends on institution. Would you have time to do that with 2 degrees? It requires commitment to several days a...
  6. The CUNY Nursing School Survey

    I highly recommend you to stay at the school you are in right now. I don't know much of colleges you listed. I know many people who went to Kingsborough and Hunter, and they weren't happy. They said...
  7. Need help with practicum RN-BSN

    thanks for the info.
  8. need help with BSN practicum

    Hi Isearl, I live in Brooklyn, but I can travel anywhere in NY. thanks
  9. need help with BSN practicum

    Hi renerian, I am looking for a job and clinicals. So far, no home health agency would provide it even when I tell them I will work for them. I am licensed in NY and FL. I made about 20 calls and no...
  10. Hi everybody. I am completing RN-BSN online in University of Wyoming, and I need to take practicum in the last cemester. I have to find a home health agency that could provide preceptor 1 on 1 in home...
  11. need help with BSN practicum

    Hi everybody. I am completing RN-BSN online, and I need to take practicum in the last cemester. I need to find home health agency that could provide preceptor 1 on 1 with home care. I live in NY. So...