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All Content by PickMePlze

  1. Entire class failed 1st OB exam

    And the majority of the student scores were in the lower 70s, upper 60s. To pass an exam at our school, you must make a 80%. Even some of the students with stellar grades failed. We all studied...
  2. I visited my old job yesterday, and I was shocked to find how many new grads are working as charge nurse, supervisor etc over a busy cardiac floor!! I always thought that experienced nurses would be...
  3. Inexperienced nurses in the Big Chair

    It may have been my old unit, but the culture I remember from almost a year ago has changed quite a bit, which is why I was shocked to see this happening. To see inexperienced people over a unit of...
  4. Inexperienced nurses in the Big Chair

    Wow just scrolled down and saw someone else posted the same issue. Sorry about the repetitive
  5. These pills are advertised as being able to support memory and alertness. Is it a
  6. A coworker of mine has an issue and I wanted to put it out there to get your opinions. One of her patients was found on the floor by another nurse and cardiac rehab. I don't think they witnessed the...
  7. In your experience, the hardest part of being an RN

    Poor management. If management sucks, everything sucks. For
  8. Today I went in to do an assessement of a patient. I knocked, didn't get a response, and peeked in. The room is completely dark and I ask to turn the light on. The patient turns the light on and he...
  9. I worked on the telemetry floor at a hospital for 4 months as a graduate RN and quit. I was sick of the cut throat nurses (only a few I could trust) the unreal workload and the long hours. I graduated...
  10. Working as a contract nurse....

    Hi, I don't know of any companies, but I'd love to learn more about what you do. Would you mind
  11. Southern University Baton Rouge

    Its true, I've worked with some students from southern and they confirmed that SU Nursing program in on
  12. Energy?

    You sound just like me. Im always wiped out, I've lost weight, my house looks like a hurricane hit it, etc, etc. I'm still trying to adjust to the 12+
  13. I'm a new grad and I've been working where I am for almost a year. I work 7-7 days. One of my main reasons I'm throwing in the towel on this job is be because of the 6:00 admits, ER, or some other...
  14. Admits after 6:00 pm? Does your hospital do this?

    Liz, you don't even know me, so MAYBE you need to think before you type, how about that?? To everybody else who posted with intelligence and forethought, thanks so much for the input. I probably do...
  15. Admits after 6:00 pm? Does your hospital do this?

    I sure its not always greener, but you wont know for sure unless you step over to see if it is in fact greener. Im a single parent whose child is also suffering because I can't get home at a decent...
  16. Admits after 6:00 pm? Does your hospital do this?

    I'm well aware its a 24 hour job but I'm not a freaking robot, either. Nurses need to eat sleep and rest just like everybody else. I can't be allowed this then I need to move on, which is what I...
  17. Poll for those who have already taken NCLEX..

  18. But I took my nclex today and it shut off at 75. I'm hoping and praying I passed this exam. It wasnt easy IMO, but it didn't have a lot of select all that apply and put in this order question. No...
  19. I found out Saturday morning at work that I passed!!!! They are pretty quick putting up the results, I didnt think Id get results till
  20. NCLEX Review Seminars

    Hurst Review is the only one i know of. I think I'm going to get the video because the Hurst review in lafayette is one the same day as my
  21. Entire class failed 1st OB exam

    Thank you. Everyone is at a loss right now because it seems that studying for this instructor's exam is wasted
  22. I already have a job and have been interning there since june. There's a few nurses there I can't stand, and I know I'm probably going to be miserable when I start working there after graduation. I...
  23. My first few days, as a new RN

    Amen. Shouldn't it be against the law to give a nurse 9 patients? Thats like asking for medical errors and a
  24. I had no prior experience either. The downside IMO is that when you have no previous experience, you tend to be more nervous and anxious than those who worked as nurse assistants, techs, etc. I think...
  25. Are you graded on your clinicals?

    Our clinicals are pass or fail. No letter