Published Feb 2, 2005
113 Posts
These pills are advertised as being able to support memory and alertness. Is it a scam?
Nurse Ratched, RN
2,149 Posts
Looks pretty scammy to me...
Google is also full of horror stories of how people are ripped off from their bank accounts for things they didn't order.
4,177 Posts
sure it is a scam but it is marketed as a dietary supplement and they can sell it for a long time and make a lot of money just as the diet pills are put out on the market...such as 'SLEEP AWAY THE POUNDS' or 'lose that ugly belly fat' these people are out for the buck
people are so desperate for a 'cure' that they fall for the infomercials...
I saw it at Walgreens for $35 and I admit I almost bought a bottle. I got some serious issues with staying focused, i"m easily distracted.
151 Posts
I like to take Focus Formula made by Windmill some the ingredients :B6, B12, Folic acid, E, C, DMAE, DHA, Ginko, Alpha lipid acid, Vinpocetine, Huperzine-A. The ingredients are similar to Focus Formula.I also like (try not to laugh) Senior Moments. :rotfl:
4 Posts
My daughter's doctor suggest it. We tried it and it worked great for her as a middle school student! I tried it and LOVED it! placebo effect? I don't know. After reading research about huperzine A reversing effects of alzheimers in studies in China I checked the ingredients of Focus Factor and they include huperzine A. Dose isn't specified. It is way cheaper at Walmart.