

Hospice Palliative Care

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About melsch

melsch has 16 years experience and specializes in Hospice Palliative Care.

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  1. Advice on creepy doctors?

    You are in Canada, get your union rep involved right away. They are your best protection. Don't worry about losing your job, labour laws will protect you, but document everything and try not to go...
  2. consientious nursing

    I am not sure what you mean by intellectual disabled, but I work in a palliative inpatient unit and from 7 am to 11 pm we have 1 RN, 1 LPN, and 1 Care Aide for 12 patients. From11 pm to 7 am we have...
  3. Often patients wait until they are alone to die. I have even encouraged family to leave for an hour or so if a patient seems to be hanging on for some reason to see if possibly it is just that they...
  4. Inpatient center patient load

  5. I work in hospice and I think your perspective changes when you deal with death on a regular basis. I don't see death as a bad or awful thing for the patient, I see death as something normal that...
  6. Night shift and daylight savings....

    We used to do that, but now we get paid for the hours worked. It is much better and no one gets short changed as it never worked out
  7. The pt was probably dying anyway, and didn't die from an allergic reaction, but we always use a lower dose of dilaudid rather than morphine if they say they have an allergy to morphine. If the...
  8. Mandatory Flu Vaccines- How do you feel?

    My employer mandated we get the shot this year, or wear a mask at all times from December until march. I figured it would be easier to get the shot than have a mask on at all times. I got the shot...
  9. Bowel regimen

    This is our protocol: Has there been a BM within the last 48 hours? If yes give two sennosides 8.5mg at hs. If NO, give two sennosides 8.5mg twice a day. If BM within 24 hours continue and...
  10. Sympathy strike...would you do it??

    Where I live nurses are considered an essential service which means we are not allowed to reduce our numbers below what is considered enough staff to look after the patients. What we have done is...
  11. is this a nursing trick you would use?

    We do this as well. And if a patient has a gown on we sometimes place the top sheet under the gown, next to the patient. Don't tie it or it could be a restraint. It doesn't always keep them from...
  12. inpatient hospice nurse/pt ratio

    I am in a stand alone inpatient hospice. We have a mix of end of life, respite, and symptom management patients. We have two 12 bed units. Day and evening shifts have an RN, LPN, and a care aide,...
  13. I have to agree with the shaving cream suggestion. It really works. Put some on your cloth and start cleaning. Once the fecesis all soft just wipe it off and give the a rinse with clear
  14. Hypothetical Ethical Issue

    I asked myself the same question as I work in hospice and wondered what I would do if he was in our facility. We did have a man who raped and murdered a young girl a while ago and I just looked at it...
  15. Alberta Casual in lieu of benefits rate

    I work in BC, but it seems our collective agreements are similar. I don't believe you qualify for any health benefits, but you would get paid out your vacation pay. The Royal Alex falls under the...