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All Content by PHL1215

  1. Johns Hopkins University BSN/MSN Fall 2011

    I'm sure that you will do a great job. The faculty at JHUSON is very personable and they find the positive in all their applicants and students. Thank you for the luck on a possible acceptance. JHU is my preference. If I never return to this thread ...
  2. Johns Hopkins University BSN/MSN Fall 2011

    Hi Cartweel! So glad that you started this tread! It was very informal and I lead the conversation. I wish that I could have a do-over! For some reason, I was a bucket of nerves... Here are the questions (or something like them): How do you feel abo...
  3. Johns Hopkins University BSN/MSN Fall 2011

    Hello Everyone! I'm new to the thread... I applied for the Accelerated BSN/MSN with Clinical Residency 2011. I had my interview the last week of October and I am waiting to hear back. I've had so much anxiety that I emailed Ms. Lee, this afternoon, t...