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All Content by syckRN

  1. will i be missing out in rehab?

    Dear jjened: You do have a "whole bunch" of experience lady. Wow. Nice that you are so encouraging of others! Thanks for a positive post. SyckRN
  2. I need help with charting!!!

    For pain you should always doc location and quality: dull, sharp, shooting, etc For no CP you should put, "denies chest pain." Hope this helps SyckRN
  3. Does anyone know...

    I live in a community where we have an epidemic of "Community acquired MRSA." We don't even isolate MRSA patients (unless they have it in their does happen and often fatal). We DO place them on contact precautions. And I agree with the "do...
  4. Like a couple of previous posts, I also have seen some programs that bridge ADN to MS. However, depending on where you live, there may be fewer of those to choose from. You might want to check that out. SyckRN
  5. Maslow's First Level, sex?

    I am LOL at all of us...a famous theorist places a basic bodily function in his hypothetical "tower of needs" and even while some of us simultaneously DENY the need...we sure are dedicating some blog space to it. Humans. Can't live with 'em...can't s...
  6. alternative program to DMU...

    NO, you don't. unless your employer asks specifically. And I have left this blank before and gotten away with it. However, if you put on your resume a job that you held in the state where you are not in good standing...they might think to check your ...
  7. Maslow's First Level, sex?

    Crunchymamma, Too true. As Yoda might put it: Kicking psychological ass Freud does do Not at all.
  8. Maslow's First Level, sex?

    OK, The reason for sex being included is that it belongs to INSTINCTUAL requirements. Freud knew this too. Remember the "id":devil: I am not a know it all...I just know these things from back in the BA in psychology days...oh so very long ago.
  9. Is chemistry important to become a nurse?

    I absolutely abhor chemistry...but I would not safely practice nursing without a basic understanding... Think acid/base balance... Think potassium pump... Think Normal saline... Are you feeling me yet? SyckRN
  10. Nurses really aren't the smartest people

    Nurses are not only intelligent, they actually receive much more communication skills training and patient teaching skills than do physicians. The latter two skills would be more than enough to overcome and outstrip the value provided by professions ...
  11. Is BSN harder than ASN?

    I went for the BSN because once I had taken all of the prereqs for the local ADN program, I realized that it would be another two years for either program. Also I knew that I would eventually get an MS, so the BSN made the most sense for me. I DID ge...
  12. Long hair male nurses

    Soooo much depends on where you are applying. Some faith-based hospital systems have all kinds of rules, even about how many piercings one has in their earlobes (I am talking...not more than one). Others allow tongue rings. Different everywhere.
  13. Psychiatric and Psychosocial Nursing

    Do any of you psych or other kinds of nurses practice Screening Brief Intervention and Referral to treatment...or have you heard of it. I will do my doctoral dissertation on willingness to perform this motivational interview type intervention for sub...
  14. What can get you fired??

    Leaving the siderails down...and a patient gets hurt. Or, if you are targeted, anything that can be blamed on you. Or, certain disabilities that prevent you from performing your usual and customary duties...happened to me.
  15. These have all been thought-provoking responses. One thing that has not been mentioned is that when our service men and women who are fighting in the war right now come home...well, there will likely be a chaotic dash for more nurses. Already the US ...
  16. Curious about sedation

    I believe that the standard of care is not to deliver a patient to the floor until they meet certain LOC and VS criteria. Thus, it shouldn't be too important how much they received since, as everyone else has said, that is on an individual basis and ...
  17. Healthcare has become a consumer driven industry. People will die because we try so hard to please them. Just another irony in the system.
  18. Unprofessional, inaccurate article

    Wow, I read it and was non-plussed. Of course, that's what he intended. If he only knew just how hard it is to get into NURSING school. He often mixes nurses with mid-levels as far as scope of practice. Also, there is a lot of new EVIDENCE that much ...
  19. how to find csf with head trauma???

    For trauma protocols there is a door to CT goal. Doesn't matter if CSF no CSF...need to know where, what, how bad the inury, and whether to transport if no neuro at your facility. Whatever...gotta have that CT
  20. Can they do this?

    Don't feel guilty. The hair test is for long term use/abuse of substances. It seems unfair to be able to invade you privacy for the last 10 years (since you last cut your hair). Let it go. You do have the right to be ok with your actions when they we...
  21. ER RN vs EMS

    "What is the ER RN's role nd responsibilities and what are they allowed to do patient care wise. I know each position has its own scope of practice. Ilove the high paced atmosphere of the EMS system. Would this be a good fit? Any information would...
  22. Anyone else hate group projects?

    Hate 'em. I have often, and can do this now that I am in a doctoral program...asked to do my project alone. Sometimes I get the nod. Other times I am stuck. I was interested in a previous post's experience (kgh31386) with the procrastinating co-stud...
  23. The "research hot spots" right now have to do with underserved populations, geriatric issues, sleep distrubance, brief interventions for smoking, alcohol, and drugs, and palliative care. There is a TON of recent literature on all of these things. Use...
  24. I wish sombody would have told me......

    Dear Babylady, I was told this, and thank GOD! Because in many places, nurses do still eat their young. Even when I began to teach at a Community College, the experienced instructors were so mean I had to quit. No support. I am getting a doctorate so...
  25. Can they do this?

    Dear traumagyrl, Keep the faith lady. Take care sister.