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All Content by Hobbits

  1. Brookhaven Nursing Program

    MJcruiser, vinnyb is right, I was declined last application period and I also had 29.XX points, and the reason I got in this semester was because I took patho over wintermester and got in with 31.07 points. I am probably very low on the list, but if ...
  2. Brookhaven Nursing Program

    WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I got in too!!! 31.07 points!!!! I bet I'm at the bottom of the list lol! I will have 32 points after this semester though, because I am currently taking death and dying at Collin college. I am so excited!!!! I am looking forward...
  3. Brookhaven Nursing Program

    This is my second time applying with 31 points, I am so nervous. When I talked to some of the nursing students from Brookhaven it seemed most of them got in with 33's or higher. Well hopefully they do accept 60 this fall of 2011, during the last 2 i...
  4. Brookhaven College

    I'm applying to the program right now for spring 2011 I just made it to final ranking but I don't know if I'm in yet I hope I get in! I took a&p and Chem together and worked full time a semester ago, and it wasn't too bad. A&P is the hardest...