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About jjnurse2011

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  1. Hi, I just got an email today from them saying I was accepted. They are holding a Accepted Students Day session next saturday April 9th. For some reason, I can't log onto the applicant part of the...
  2. CCP Fall 2011

    Hello! I am pretty positive I had 7 points on the point system, and I was accepted into CCP's program. I also have my bachelor's from Temple, and I took classes at CCP. I have also been accepted into...
  3. Abington Dixon School of Nursing

    I got accepted into the Day
  4. Abington Dixon School of Nursing

    who does the interviewing at abington? and is it just one person or more who interview
  5. Abington Dixon School of Nursing

    is it a group
  6. Harcum Evening Program 2010-Question

    Thank you!!! I sent the application before the deadline...but unfortunately I didn't get my clearance forms back from the mail in time yet...so I have to wait till they come in to send the school the...
  7. Aria Health School of Nursing - Jan 11'

    I asked someone about the version a month ago...and they said it was version
  8. Harcum Evening Program 2010-Question

    Hello... So i am applying to Harcum for the May 2011 Evening program...and I am soooo confused when they say Child Abuse Clearance and Criminal Background Clearance Original ONLY. On the form itself,...
  9. WCU Accelerated BSN, any thoughts?

    did you get an email or phone call when you finally got a response? was it before oct? sorry, just worried
  10. WCU Accelerated BSN, any thoughts?

    yea im going on my fourth week waiting! i sent everything in one envelope as well so all of my material is already in...just waiting for a response is nerve wrecking. thanks and good luck to you as...
  11. WCU Accelerated BSN, any thoughts?

    Hey guys, I was just wondering when you sent in your apps, because I sent it in early October, and I haven't heard anything back yet.