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  1. Interview Advice Needed

    I have an interview next week with a NICU director to be able to work in the NICU when I graduate in December. I've been through a few interviews lately and I get very nervous and freeze up. This is a...
  2. Well I've called around to as many children's hospital's I could fnd. Some of the classes are the week my school starts up again so I won't be able to attend those. Other people said I would have to...
  3. How would I get my NRP? Would a hospital let me take that
  4. Would I just send my letter to the hospitals main address and put Attention NICU Director or something like that? How do you find out the address and phone number of the Director of NICU? Thanks so...
  5. Thanks......How would I contact the Director of the Floor I'm interested in directly? Just call the main number and ask for the director of NICU? Most people I have talked to have been pretty nice...
  6. Thanks so much for all that information. That is very helpful and definitly encouraging because I was starting to think that a lot of them didn't hire new nurses. Its funny that you said All...
  7. Thanks. I will keep all those things in mind when I am looking for a place to work. I've been calling different childrens hospitals to see who takes new grads and who doesn't and it seems not have...
  8. What does NRP stand for?

    I am a nursing student going to be graduating in December. I was looking under available positions at childrens and womens hospitals and they had something called an NRP that is reguired to get...
  9. Thanks for all your info. I am actually looking to relocate when I graduate to north florida. I've found the All Children's Hospital in St. Pete, Arnold Palmer Hospital in Orlando, Shands Children...
  10. I am a nursing student and I will be graduating in December. I am very interested in working with babies and maybe doing some work with older kids also. I am looking into different Childrens Hospitals...