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All Content by hubbytobeanurse

  1. FSCJ/FCCJ spring 2011 hopefuls

    Rejection Letter for hubby... Time to take statistics and shoot for an A and retake a couple classes.
  2. FSCJ/FCCJ spring 2011 hopefuls

    Nothing here for hubby either. Do you receive an email as well for either acceptance or denial? Last time he applied he received Nothing! He went in and they said, "Well, there's no letter here for you (in a stack of undeliverable mail) it must ha...
  3. FSCJ/FCCJ spring 2011 hopefuls

    I think my hubby's points are around 196, but I can't remember. He just knew it wasn't 201 and didn't want to hear anymore about it. Someone told him he couldn't retake his one class, which he got a C he feels a little P.O.'d about the whol...
  4. FSCJ/FCCJ spring 2011 hopefuls

    Does anyone have a score BELOW 200? I know the cutoff seems to be getting higher and higher....ugh!
  5. FSCJ/FCCJ spring 2011 hopefuls

    My poor hubby is applying for the 2nd time. For fall he didn't have enough points, but he never even got a letter. He went to the office and they searched a pile of envelopes that had come back and said, "Well, if it's not in here then it must have...