Butterfly0328 replied to thelema13's topic in Emergency
I commend you for doing what you can to take part in finding a resolution to an epidemic problem. The one thing I don't understand is why there is not a national data base in every pharmacy in every...
Butterfly0328 replied to OreoCookie3's topic in General Nursing
I loved that analogy!!! I am still a pre-nursing student and have had the same concerns as the OP, but I will now remember this analogy as I enter my nursing school journey and beyong. THANK
Butterfly0328 replied to darwinsbluefish's topic in General Nursing
No way... only thing they should be told is if you were approved and the time needed off. For example I have "intermittent" FMLA in which I have been approved for up to 3 occurences a week at no more...
I so totally know how you feel....I took A&P I twice before passing with a C+. And so far I have taken A&P II two times already and got a D+ both times. Granted spring semester this year I...
I have to agree with others in the fact that Vet Techs are animal nurses and equivelent to human nurses. They have an Associates degree and have to take the same amount of credit hours that the ADN...
I am in the process of going through PT and then will begin inversion therapy to try to get those bulging discs to go back were they belong. I am hopeful that this will work and then I will continue...
My bad diva:uhoh3:. How and who in the world took it from 1000 questions to 75!!! I would be @#$%ed off if I were all of you who had to take the 1000 question test. Doesn't seem
I am not even in nursing school yet but I totally agree. I didn't know it used to be 250 questions and now 75. I mean seriously, peoples lives are at stake. Why on earth was it changed? I believe...
Butterfly0328 replied to NeoPediRN's topic in General Nursing
I think this is totallty cool... especially if you collect the cans in order to raise money for charity. You know, like give 10% to AA and the other 90% to buy more
Butterfly0328 replied to NeoPediRN's topic in General Nursing
It will be just your luck that he turns out to be gay:uhoh3: But it's worth a shot. Make sure you wear a see-through blouse and make sure you get those "thingies" you put in your bra to make your...
Butterfly0328 replied to Butterfly0328's topic in General Nursing
You are so welcomed. I am finding it interesting that many of us loved the most basic of jobs. Maybe it's because the level of responsibility was so much lighter than nursing. Now granted, I am not...