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All Content by dcinma

  1. Not to be sarcastic, because I do take health seriously, but the odds are pretty good. According to the CDC, a 50 year old man has only a 1.9% chance of developing colon cancer in the next 20 years....that's 98% that won't. CDC - Colorectal Cancer...
  2. I seriously doubt I'll ever do it again. I had one in 2001 at the age of 40 due to some bleeding; woke up partway through the procedure and saw a polyp being excised on the screen. No pain and I drifted off again and awoke after to a great deal of ...
  3. After reading this and doing other research about colonoscopy, I am now completely convinced to continue to avoid having this procedure again. I am 49 and male and had a colonoscopy in 2001 when I was 40 because of some bleeding. I did wake up duri...
  4. removing gowns

    I'm pretty sure that they did use the LMA. I had both an interscalene block and general anesthesia for the operation. I'm hoping there's no next time! But I wouldn't be surprised if I end up with knee or hip work in the next couple years. I was v...
  5. removing gowns

    Canes - Subacromial decompression only...at the time it was unknown if there was a torn rotator cuff to repair also, but there wasn't. Just a bad bone spur, calcium and inflammed tendons to shave down. The OR apparently were OK with me leaving my s...
  6. removing gowns

    I'm a 49 year old male and I recently had shoulder surgery and was kind of upset when the nurse opened my gown when standing behind me and then told me to remove my underwear. I told her it wasn't going to happen and hopped up onto the gurney; frank...