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All Content by futureoriented

  1. University of Maryland SON FNP Fall 2011

    Thought it would be today....
  2. University of Maryland SON FNP Fall 2011

    Waiting, Waiting, Waiting.....
  3. University of Maryland SON FNP Fall 2011

    Hi all, Spoke with admissions today to confirm that they did not hold interviews for psych. I was getting nervous. She reported that they will post on SIMS by the end of next week. Geez...that seems like a long time, huh?
  4. University of Maryland SON FNP Fall 2011

    Well, I applied to the Psychiatric NP program for the fall of 2012. I have not had an interview. I was told that not every specialty interviews. When I called a few days ago I was told that the status updates should hit SIMS by the end of the week, m...
  5. UMSON, Fall 2012...is NO ONE applying?! :) :)

    Thank you for your response Grey Lady. Your input on this site seems invaluable to many.
  6. UMSON, Fall 2012...is NO ONE applying?! :) :)

    Hi everyone, Congrats to all those accepted into their programs. Grey Lady, Any idea when the grad students will hear back? Thank you:redbeathe
  7. LNC's in New Orleans

    Hi everyone ! New to forum and very excited. My immediate question is about LNC's in New Orleans. We are relocating to the area and I am interested in pursuing my goal of becoming a LNC. How is the climate for the specialty down in NOLA? Appreci...
  8. LNC's in New Orleans

    Thank you silmasRn... That makes sense. It seems like everything in New Orleans slows down in the summer. So from what I gather though it is not an ideal location for an LNC, it is possible as long as you expand past city. I believe that much of ...