
Dixielee BSN, RN


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About Dixielee

Dixielee has 38 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in ER.

Spend my time rambling around the ER looking for something useful to do.

Latest Activity

  1. Whats your biggest pet peeve working in the ED?

    My current pet peeve is people texting or talking on cell phones while I am trying to triage them! I have had people answer their phone while I am trying to get their history. Not just answer but hold...
  2. You said she was profusing, but she was barely maintaining her sats with no activity, and you said her H&H was low, so regardless of what her vital signs say, she was just barely hanging on! You...
  3. Question regarding Tetanus toxoid

    I don't have an official answer, but will tell you how we do it in my ED. We recommend every 10 years if you are a person who never gets their hands dirty, never work in the garden, never walk in the...
  4. Ethical/Personal Dilemma - What would you do?

    I would not say anything to her employer because you are not involved there, but I would most definitely tell the director of the nursing program about it. This is extremely unethical behavior and...
  5. Newsflash: Med/Surg RN's have the toughest job

    I have to agree! I have been a nurse 39 years. I worked med surg the first year out of school and could not do it today. I think I would have to leave nursing if that was my only option. My hat is off...
  6. Medication tidbits an ER nurse should always know

    With few exceptions, i.e. adenosine, and apparently hydralazine (which I didn't know about), if you are unsure, dilute and give slowly. Always read the side of the vial if you have it available. It...
  7. I agree with others. I have a friend who has been a hygienist about as long as I have been a nurse and our salaries are comparable. She, however has much better hours! But I have more flexibility and...
  8. So confused-What to do?

    It sounds like you would like to "audit" the classes to obtain the information you might need to become an RN. As others have stated, no, you have to be in the program, do your clinicals (hands on...
  9. Thinking of re-entering telephone triage

    I have a friend who is doing it from home now. I can't remember the name of the company, but she makes $25/hr with no benefits. I have another friend who lives in Oklahoma and works for a company who...
  10. Quoted MassED: You've been in the ED for 38 years? Geeez, I know I won't last that long at this pace. No way. I don't think anyone could. I think for some, leaving the ER would bring a fear of...
  11. What a great thread that speaks to me! I, too, have been an ED nurse for many, many years and know that my time in ED is coming to a close soon. I don't think this is just a summer problem and it will...
  12. I'm afraid I can't help you find a job, but I can say you should protect your marriage. It is more important than any job. Jobs come and go, presumably, your marriage is permanent. A year separation...
  13. I do wonder if he was impaired (nothing obvious except of course his actions). He is fairly new and I have not been impressed with his judgement. He is sloppy and careless with the way he practices,...
  14. i could have worded my comment better. what i was trying to say was the nurse is responsible if she implements a blatantly wrong order. it is the nurses responsibility to make sure those orders make...
  15. I think you pretty much summed it up! Unfortunately, you are correct!! I was working with a PA the other night in a VERY busy Fast Track. We see 100 patients per day. He kept writing orders for the...