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About scarykarrey

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  1. Applying for UIC DNP...

    How is everyone doing? How are classes
  2. Should I get my DNP or go PhD in Nursing

    Have you considered earning an MHA (Master of Health Administration) degree? If you're interested in healthcare administration, you might want to check out this specialty, as it offers training on how...
  3. Applying for UIC DNP...

    I really, really want to do the stats/epi one, but it just won't work with my work
  4. Frontier Nurse Midwife Program

    You might get more responses if you search in the APRN section of the website: Advanced Practice
  5. Nurse Midwife Programs - Good job outlook?

    Babies are going to keep being born,
  6. Combined DNP and WHNP?

    A DNP in what combined with WHNP? Women's Health is a specialty in which you can earn a DNP. Am I misreading your
  7. Yale GEPN vs BSN + Frontier for CNM

    Isn't it true, too, that Frontier requires 1 year of nursing experience before admission? So, you'd need to go the ADN route anyway, if you're wanting to attend that school, so that you could work for...
  8. Applying for UIC DNP...

    I'm waiting to be able to log into the system, although it's probably going to take me a little longer since I turned in my enrollment confirmation+deposit late. I've started plugging away at getting...
  9. Applying for UIC DNP...

    Well, ****! I just found out from the regional office I was accepted to that they actually offer Iowa residents in-state tuition. That totally changes the playing field for me. How is everybody else...
  10. UAB Fall 2014 NP Programs

    No, my cumulative GPA is definitely not stronger. That's why my "last 60hr calculation" is hurt so badly by the fact that they won't include my ADN program in it, because once I got into nursing...
  11. UAB Fall 2014 NP Programs

    Sorry, guys! I'll quit being a dark cloud here. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF YOU! I'm so excited to see you all begin this
  12. UAB Fall 2014 NP Programs

    As far as I know, UAB does not have a wait-list. So, no. He told me that if I do the calculations and I'm sure my most recent grades will pull my overall GPA above 3.0, then I should reapply for...
  13. UAB Fall 2014 NP Programs

    He claimed it was on this form, although I don't see it anywhere: The FAQ doesn't make any distinction in ADN grades (copied...
  14. UAB Fall 2014 NP Programs

    According to JU, Director of Student Services of the School of Nursing, they do not factor 2-year program grades into their GPA calculations. When I sent my program director my grades way back in...
  15. UAB Fall 2014 NP Programs

    I just got off the phone with the director of student services, who told me that I was not admitted because my GPA for the last 60 hours was calculated at a 2.8, since they don't factor in grades from...