
kridanpiper BSN


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All Content by kridanpiper

  1. How do we prevent Nurse Practitioners from undervaluing themselves?

    I, personally, what like to be more proficient at ortho maneuvers, since musculoskeletal pain comprises a large portion of what is seen in the clinic but I’m in my next to last semester and from what I’ve seen in clinic, insurance basically forces yo...
  2. How do we prevent Nurse Practitioners from undervaluing themselves?

    Agree wholeheartedly.
  3. Finally did my own delivery

    Me three!
  4. Background Checks

    Email me at [email protected]. Allnurses said I'm not active enough to send a pm. Weird.
  5. Background Checks

    It just depends on what the application asks. If it says have you even been convicted of any misdemeanor or felony charges, then no, don't report it. Anyone can falsely be arrested for anything. Trust me, I know. I too am from Alabama and have the sa...
  6. I took NCLEX-RN this morning.......

    Main Menu - NCLEX-RN 3500 - Institutional Version This link has the same ?'s as 4000. EXTREMELY helpful. I have the Saunder's 5th edition cd & I like this link much more.
  7. General Test Taking Tips

    I always say a prayer once I'm in my testing seat. I pray for a clear head & clear thinking. It is so easy to get frazzled if you hit a question that throws you off. I've noticed that if I get hung up on one question, I start to get antsy and fee...
  8. I'm taking my patient, loving and supportive family on a Disney cruise :)
  9. How did you overcome BURNOUT?

    You may not be able to get over that feeling until a little bit closer to graduation. Nursing school is hard, demanding, tolling, tiring, stressful, frustrating, tedious, etc, etc, etc....... I think your feelings are completely normal. Just think of...
  10. This is why you should be careful what you post on facebook

    I agree that what she did was totally DUMB! I mean, let's use a little common sense here. I just read that she and the other students took their case in front of a judge and were able to be reinstated into their programs. Future (potential) employers...