
lemur00 BSN, RN


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All Content by lemur00

  1. Have dress codes changed for clinical prep?

    We also had to wear business casual, no jeans/sweats/leggings/yoga pants or anything revealing, or we could wear scrubs. I just wore scrubs.
  2. Who do nurses make more than?

    I find it interesting how many people believe that nurses are "rich". Nursing pays reasonably well, but it doesn't make you rich. At all. I really think this is a leftover from the fact that typically most nurses are woman who for many years earned t...
  3. Why In The Heck Should I Be A Loyal Nurse?

    A related article. (pdf) One of the things that I found most interesting is that while baby boomers and gen x both really want autonomy, millennials really just want to be paid. Leaves one wondering where a profession like nursing is going to be left...
  4. Anyone here who hate the holidays?

    Here is Canada. I had to get the provincial labour board involved in a dispute when I was working a non-union job as my employer tried to deny me stat pay because I worked a night (their argument being that I was "scheduled" for the day before the st...
  5. criminal history,accepted to nursing school??

    Don't you have to get a criminal records check done to even be accepted into school?? We had to do it every so often during our education for clinicals. There was a procedure to go through if something came up to show that you had dealt with the prob...
  6. Anyone here who hate the holidays?

    Here every person working a statutory holiday makes time-and-a-half, including cashiers. That is simple labour law. Not only that, but many of those places are DEAD on Christmas.
  7. Anyone here who hate the holidays?

    I love the incarnation. Not a fan of the pointless consumer/family crap.
  8. leaving my job gave a 2 weeks manager very rude.

    I would advise working the shift simply because you said you would. Regardless of future hiring potential, we all have a personal responsibility to be true to our word. If it were a current issue for discussion between you and the manager, that would...
  9. The Battle of Day vs. Night Shift

    Most rotations here include a mix of days and nights. There are definite advantages to that as well, not the least of which is that everyone knows what it's like to work both shifts on a regular basis. In my last job there were only three aides that ...
  10. CRNE OCTOBER 2012

    I'd agree with some of jan23's recommendations, although I would recommend studying ethics and professionalism more for IENs than Canadian grads. We should know that stuff at the end of four relentless years of it. I focused almost all of my atte...
  11. Night Shift For Newbies

    I did 8 hr nights for 5 years. On days off I usually went to bed at 4 or 5 am because that is my natural sleep time-on night shift I just had to stay up a few hours later and would usually stay up to do anything that needed to be done during the day....
  12. CRNE OCTOBER 2012

    I guess the SRNA is more sympathetic to the inability of nervous grad nurses to read 10 point font than the CNO.
  13. CRNE OCTOBER 2012

    Hah, the SRNA obviously know us enough to make sure we see it immediately. Seriously, it's huge all caps in red. Wouldn't have been able to read or process that at all right away if it were written in normal black like the rest of the letter.
  14. CRNE OCTOBER 2012

    They're in the mail in SK since we all got ours today.
  15. CRNE OCTOBER 2012

    We got ours today too. Thank God they just write "CONGRATULATIONS YOU PASSED!" on the top of the thing in red 20 pt font.
  16. How do you typically check medicines?

    I'd recommend Davis as a drug guide as it includes assessment, labs and all the most important info. We have Lippincott on our units which basically sucks. It's so much nicer to be able to search through Davis or Lexicomp on your phone though.
  17. Nun wanting to give NPO patient wafer

    This is partially correct. Transub is held by Rome as the teaching of Aquinas. It holds that though the bread and wine hold the outward appearance of bread and wine they are in reality the physical body and blood of Christ. It's more complex than tha...
  18. Night shift and daylight savings....

    This discussion has provided me with yet another reason Saskatchewan is better off without daylight savings time.
  19. Bullying--The Other "B" Word

    Yeah that's what I mean about social control. This is the same pyre satire has been hoisted up on (how many people out there think satire is noble and moral? Yet its whole purpose is to moralize). No one can make another person feel bad without ob...
  20. My appearance being an issue

    I've had my eye colour listed as green, brown or hazel--rarely had the same colour on two IDs. Usually I ask for green now (I mean 1.5 of my eyes ARE green) but when I was younger, they often wouldn't put that. Typically they'd try to split the diffe...
  21. My appearance being an issue

    I have one eye that's split in half green and brown, known affectionately as my wonky eye (the other is green). It's only noticeable if I don't wear my glasses, but when people do notice it they find it more interesting than frightening. However peop...
  22. For those offered a position before graduating

    As noted by others, many students in my class got positions on units they did one of their practicums on. They made sure the unit manager knew who they were and that they were interested in staying on the unit to work. The manager could then discus...
  23. Bullying--The Other "B" Word

    I realize this is an old thread, but thought I'd necro to add my thoughts. The apparently rampant bullying problem has come up a lot lately in my circles and like the OP, I think a lot of the apparent increasing frequency has to do with the redefinin...
  24. How did/do you pay for nursing school?

    I did the same except I fast tracked to finish my degree in three years (which meant more months of school)--I also quickly realized I had to drop to 2/3 time during the school year (60-70 hour weeks were doable for me but 80 not so much) and worked ...
  25. Untrained HCA's giving meds

    Yeah that's exactly the logic behind it. If this person were able, they'd be giving the same meds per self. If with family, family would do it. Many unlicensed people give meds everyday.