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About Kpompa238


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  1. ADN to BSN or Traditional BSN

    :yeah:Thank you soooo much!!! I never dreamed I would see a response this fast and never even imagined I would see so many. Thank you so much. Y'all made me feel that the decesions I am making are the right ones and that I do know what is best for me...
  2. Your pre req gpa....

    This may come to surprise but applied my first time to a school with a 4.0 and got denied and the applied with a 3.4 and got accepted lololol sooo its not just your GPA but what classes you have already taken but yes from the nursing students I know ...
  3. ADN to BSN or Traditional BSN

    I am a nursing student currently enrolled in an ADN program. The question I find myself asking is this, "Should I continue where I am at and finish and then go on to a RN-BSN program or apply now for a BSN program?" Here is some background that influ...