

soon cwocn

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About sillyang

sillyang has 2 years experience and specializes in soon cwocn.

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  1. Did i do something wrong? CPR question

    You are definately not alone and sounds like you did everything right. The only difference is I think I was in a state of shock frome that sound and feeling because it didn't hit me until my drive...
  2. It seems that teaching hospitals are more apt to hire new nurses. I had the same thing happen, the large area hospitals liked my resume, life experience, and job history and told me to get a years...
  3. Frustrated

    Information is from a WOCN accredited course text book, ment to add to the discussion. I'm not a physicain and don't pretend to be, like I have noticed other repliers. Personally I have enjoyed the...
  4. Frustrated

    Food for thought: Main wound management principles are to control causative factors (shear), prevent infection, maintain appropriate level of moisture, protect wound and periwound. Transparent film :...
  5. Frustrated

    Not yet, haven't worked with her for few days, but I will. The patient is no longer mine since he has had a room
  6. Frustrated

    Great advice everyone, but I think I've been misunderstood. I don't wish to run over any co-worker and I don't need to feel speciall at work., I have a hard time letting go when the patients wound...
  7. I use to wonder if I could graduate and retire in the same year. Guess not! I hope I will have such a rough decision to make in 30
  8. New Head Start RN think I am being misled

    sounds fishy to
  9. Frustrated

    Not a turf war, I actually care about the end results of my patient. I considered leaving her order the first time because I really try not to play a part in the catty part of nursing. The wound was...
  10. Patients daughter grabs my arm and states that her father would like to lay down now, I said Ok I will have the STNA's come down. The daughter growls and says why can't you do it. (200 lb 6' tall cva...
  11. Frustrated

    Ms. frustrating is good buddies with the wound nurse yet she is not wound nurse. I did ask the wound nurse in general if she thought tegaderm was appropriate for an area of denuded skin with minimal...
  12. Frustrated

    It is the same doc. He is the house doc too. I'm not sure she is calling for the
  13. Frustrated

    I am frustrated at work. I have a co-worker that gives me the impression that she believes she knows everything, and is supperior to everyone else (I think she can even smell when a doctor is...
  14. Fictional-Hospital Scrubs for Real-Life Nurses

    I wonder how many patients could tell you what their nurse was wearing pre-op. I have a hard time believing very many, it's not like they have nothing better to worry about at this time. Shoot...
  15. IV Phenergan

    I had a patient who received IVP dilaudid follwed by IVP phenergan every 4 hour prn, the patient had a port a cath. The patient had been receiving it this way for a long time even at home ( the spouse...