

new grad

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FireSpire specializes in new grad.

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  1. Reciprocity

    where did you graduate.. cause if your a foreign grad like me, you have to go through CGFNS.. and they seriously work like turtles.. about 6-9 months for the whole process!!
  2. help with new grad... in NY

    still no job.. =(
  3. help with new grad... in NY

    I'm done with the board, already have a CA RN license.. but im actually trying to get an NY license, and its taking soo long
  4. help with new grad... in NY

    Agreed, I understand your point, you just giving facts and reality based. Its our economy that is really down, that's what i been feeling. Its just that I already have a CA RN license but CGFNS is taking soooooooooo long just to process my credential...
  5. help with new grad... in NY

    Thanks, i looked at it, but there's none that would hire me, cause they all need experience, so i just submitted my resume for future considerations
  6. help with new grad... in NY

    i actually tried applying in Syracuse also, last week i sent like 10 applications in hospital in upstate New york , still no reply.. I been applying since July, i could say i actually sent around 200+ applications in NY (even upstate) and CA.. still ...
  7. help with new grad... in NY

    ya, i mean city, but i can move upstate, thats fine, as long as there is an accessible apartment or room near the hospital, but i already tried applying in some areas like Rochester and buffalo.. still no reply
  8. help with new grad... in NY

    I have been really frustrated in finding a job in NY, I really cant find any.. seriously.. not a single person called for an interview, im really getting frustrated, here's my situation: I live in NY, i have a BSN, a CA license, and is currently proc...