

Medical Surgical Care

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All Content by Gin820

  1. Hi, I just applied to a PhD program I hope to start in early 2018. There really is very little information about PhDs in nursing. I am very excited about it though.
  2. Maryville University Fall 2014

    Hi, I recently applied for the Family Nurse Practitioner program at Maryville University and am waiting to hear if I am accepted. Is anyone else waiting to hear back from Maryville also? I have seen threads on this school, but they are a little older...
  3. Maryville University Fall 2014

    I didn't get anything in the mail. I had hoped we would. I would call your advisor to check on the webinar. You probably should have had one by now. Also ask about your welcome packet. That will give you more info.
  4. Maryville University Fall 2014

    Where do you work in Ohio? I'm about 2 hours from Cinncinnati. It would be nice to have a classmate fairly close. I am excited to get started in a few weeks!
  5. Maryville University Fall 2014

    Congrats to everyone who was accepted! I am still waiting on my welcome packet. Has anyone else received theirs?
  6. Maryville University Fall 2014

    I applied for the fall start date. Have you heard anything yet?
  7. Maryville University Fall 2014

    Good luck to all of you! I was informed yesterday that I was accepted! So excited!