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About sandman1914

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  1. A couple of my classmates use tablet notebooks. They seem to like them. They come in handy if you recieve electronic copies of your notes because that allows you to add to them. The other added...
  2. Clinical sites are decided by the students. A few months after class starts, you will find out how many seats are available at each clinical site and you hash it out with your classmates. Those...
  3. I wouldn't worry to much about taking another stats class. You will get what you need out of the lecture. I did not have a great background in stats and did fine. The instructor will go above and...
  4. I said REDUCED not ELIMINATED. You need to pay
  5. Congrats on your selection. I will be glad to see the new class come in as we go on to phase II. As everyone else around here says, ENJOY YOUR FAMILY WHIILE YOU CAN. Once school starts your free...
  6. CRNA= Certified Registered Nurse
  7. From what I have heard, schools like you to have a higher GRE score not not simply for the purpose of indicating your ability to complete the program, but more so to indicate your ability to pass a...
  8. At the end of the day it is the score you feel comfortable submitting with your application. If a score just barely over the minimum sits well with you, go ahead and stick with that score. But...
  9. GRE Dilemma

    A good review is the $30 Kaplin book at Barnes and Noble. Between that and , I was able to get a nicw score that helped me get into school. I have highly recommeded it to others and...
  10. to study group or not..

    Study groups are as effective as you design them to be. When preparing to have one, you have to make a plan and stick to it. First off you have to bring something to the group. You cannot just show up...
  11. Does it come with a removable grill? Was it pimped by
  12. How intense is it?

    I just started my program on Monday. I'm sure in a couple weeks I will have an interesting answer for
  13. What is an SRNA?

    SRNA= Student Registered Nurse Anesthetist RRNA= Resident Registered Nurse Anesthetist I have seen SRNA referred to students in the didactic phase and RRNA for students in the clinical portion of...
  14. Program ranking?

    How often do they rank the na
  15. If you really want to get the information from the class but don't want to worry about tests and grades, you may want to audit the class in the