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About jadedRN04

jadedRN04 has 15 years experience and specializes in ICU,CCU,Med/Surg,LTC.

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  1. Unfortunately, this sounds typical of many LTC facilities. They lure you in with what sounds like a supervisor's position when what they really need are floor nurses. This sounds like a poorly staffed...
  2. Reverse no show no call

    I would move along. You can be assured that was a preview of their communication style and lack of professionalism. That's
  3. Using Dreams

    Yes. I have had similar dreams. My most recent dream was of myself caring for an entire 30 room hallway of med/surg patients and I hadn't even started the assessments or meds when I opened another...
  4. Disclosure of Recovery

    I would not disclose. Not everyone is recovery friendly. Telling them may invite much closer and unnecessary scrutiny. Just go on with your fabulous sober
  5. Can I be a nurse if I admit I abused alcohol?

    Congratulations on your Recovery! I'm going to share an unpopular opinion. If you have no criminal record and you feel you are solid in your recovery then I would keep that information to...
  6. Not quite what you were asking about but the Indiana BON got their bits in a wringer over not allowing nurses on MAT to participate in the state's nurse recovery...
  7. Multi State License Required

    Hmmm...I guess that could be a sly way of weeding out those who are in a monitoring program. Not sure. I've not noticed that when looking at local jobs in my state. I do know that a lot of hospitals...
  8. Yes, I finished about 12 yrs ago. I did not understand what the requirements were for therapists, doctors, etc. treating healthcare
  9. Oh goodness... About 15 years ago I had a big problem with alcohol. I had no legal or work issues whatsoever but I wanted to stop drinking and couldn't do it on my own. I figured if I showed up...
  10. How do I get into remote nursing jobs?

    If you live in a compact state you should start with getting a compact license. I believe most work from home nurse positions require at least some current acute care experience but probably not all....
  11. New to testing recovery trek help

    Mind you, my time with my state's program was over 10 years ago and Peth tests were not used but the only behavior I changed in my life is I didn't drink alcohol. I continued to use hair spray, hair...
  12. Getting my RN with no board restrictions

    I believe, depending on the offense, most BONs can see expunged records. In OP case it was for Medicaid fraud so I would imagine they would have access to that record. I could be
  13. Phmp VRP

    I don't live in PA but I do have to say that the PA BON is by far the worst to deal with when trying to gain licensure by endorsement. They are just 100 times more obstinate than any other BON I had...
  14. Getting my RN with no board restrictions

    Yes, one can get away with murder but try to separate the government from their money (whether intentional or not) and they will have you by the short and curlies and they won't let go. I agree with...
  15. CNA Frustrated with Being the Blame

    If that patient's nurse was not available what another nurse around that you could have given the reading to? Just let them know "Hey, I can't find this patient's nurse but I wanted to make sure that...