
medsurgnurse RN

Me Surge

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About medsurgnurse

medsurgnurse is a RN and specializes in Me Surge.

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  1. My sister and her husband both smoked like chimneys. However they are complusive label readers. A trip to store for 10 items takes an hour with them. I said "its a can of peas, the ingrdiants didn't...
  2. embarrassing (& funny) problem..HELP!!!

    QVC sells neck coolers. Basically, its a bandana with cooling gel in the center. You just soak in plain water and it gets cool. And generally stays cool for several hours. I have the same problem and...
  3. I noticed that GEICO customer service has a new script. 2 times lately I had to call them and the end the call they all say " Is there anything else I may do to provide you with excellant service?!" I...
  4. Nurse fired for calling police

    Woody must not be reading the same post as the rest of us. Security had already been called and did nothing. Then police were called. If proper channels do nothing then you gotta do what you gotta
  5. Uterus transplants?

    I think that as soon as this becomes available that, people will be pushing for it to be covered by insurance. Very expensive for a none life saving organ transplant. It doesn't seem worth the risk....
  6. I hate it!!!

    In my family of six children (with insurance) only one ever went to an ER. And that was because she got run over by a car. Its called an Emergency Room for a
  7. rats!!

    Give her enough
  8. I know a CNA who's name badge says nurse!

    Like I said show me the post where someone talked bad about an MA. And I will stand corrected. What I have seen is some Registered and Licensed Nurses express astonishment that MAs are being taught...
  9. I know a CNA who's name badge says nurse!

    Once again An MA is not a nurse. An MA is not a nurse. An MA is not a nurse. I haven't seen any actual nurse "down" an MA on this thread. I have seen nurses comment negatively about MAs who pretend...
  10. Should I be a Nurse??

    Is there any reason that you can't be a travel CT tech? I see ads for travel radiology positions. LIke you said you only have to deal with the patient for a short time in radiology. In nursing you...
  11. crocs aint working for me!

    Thanks for the
  12. I know a CNA who's name badge says nurse!

    You always have a wealth of information. You serve not only your patients well, but you serve your profession well by having this knowledge of the history of your field. In this discussion most nurses...
  13. I know a CNA who's name badge says nurse!

    1. But yet, here you are on a website for nurses. Hmmmm interesting. 2. I do not have to watch my attitude. The only person who may tell me to watch my attitude is a moderator. 3. If you become a...
  14. I know a CNA who's name badge says nurse!

    Yeah but Guess what? You are still not a nurse. Attacking a Nurse here on allnurses will still not make you a nurse. Hanging out on a Website called Allnurses will also not make you a nurse....
  15. Stop The Title Madness

    IN everyday life the simplest title is appropriate. But in a published work most authors list their credentials. I think that's ok. If you got it, flaunt