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All Content by Aking_skye

  1. congratulations unadunad, you are so lucky!!
  2. I have been waiting for 5 months now and to Narsingstudent do not worry I do not feel bad at all I actually feel happy for you. As they say they do assessment on individual basis and you are very blessed, good luck on your BP!
  3. wow congratulations to all of you! Please keep on posting about your soon to be experience in BP. It is really inspiring to know that applicants in this forum are moving on to the semi-finals hehe. I hope we can follow you guys soon. All the best!
  4. I also graduated from a college nursing school and I am really worried that they might downgrade my application to enrolled nurse. I called ahpra last friday and asked for updates or any problems, they just said that they are still assessing my appli...
  5. I used a bank here in New Zealand, but it should be alright to use any bank from the Philippines. Or just call ahpra to confirm it.
  6. i paid them with my debit card
  7. I have been calling ahpra and this is my third week trying but I still can't get through. Anybody talked to them lately?
  8. There is a tab NATIONAL BOARDS, you will see nursing and midwifery click again and you'll find FORMS along with INTERNATIONALLY QUALIFIED NURSES AND MIDWIVES. The form to use is the AGOS-04, all the requirements are stated in that form. The AHPRA si...
  9. Hi The easiest, fastest and cheapest way is to do it on your own. Go back to page 1 and start reading this thread, I know because that's what i did. Good luck!!
  10. I also called them late december and they answered, but now I've been trying for 2 days already.
  11. I tried to call ahpra a couple of times but a voice machine keeps on advising me to call again later. Is ahpra still on holiday? I badly need to talk to them.
  12. congratulations salmonella!! How long have you waited btw?
  13. @leeros- I know that 4-6 weeks is too short so I am expecting updates after 12 weeks. Good luck to all of us!!
  14. I finally received an e-mail from ahpra NSW. My application has been entered on to their system and it will be assessed and completed in approximately 4-6 weeks.
  15. @icu nars how long did you wait for the acknowledgement letter?
  16. I've been waiting for ahpra's e-mail response for 3 weeks now, they did not charge me of the application fee yet. I understand that they are still adjusting but they also need to communicate with us, a simple "Your application has been received" will...
  17. @cioman Congratulations!!! Your presence will be surely missed, you've been very helpful. I'll wait for you to comeback please do buy a laptop asap. Thank you so much.
  18. @Glioblastoma Can you please give me the e-mail address of AHPRA NSW? Thanks
  19. @unadunad I am in New Zealand and I am hoping to get my eligibility letter this year from ahpra. I sent my application to Sydney but I'm planning to e-mail ahpra and transfer my application. Are you ilocano? Where are you planning to take your BP? l...
  20. Hi unadunad! I am one of the 20 applicants from Baguio, my mom requested for my cert of good standing last week. I chose Sydney, I'll just keep on praying that they will assess my application as soon as possible. Are you from Baguio?
  21. Thanks a lot cioman!! Cheers mate!
  22. I will finally send my application tomorrow!! Yahoo!! The waiting game will start as well I just need to answer Q17. Do you commit to only practise the profession if you have appropriate professional indemnity insurance arrangements in place? Yes or...
  23. Thanks a lot haoyin and cioman!! I am hoping that we will all meet in Australia...someday..soon, right glioblastoma?
  24. Is it necessary to fly back home after bp to process 457 visa? I was hoping that after passing the bp and if luckily offered a job then I can process my 457 visa while staying in Australia with 456 visa. Is this possible? I am worried about the expen...
  25. please read page 1