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About tralalaRN

tralalaRN has 21 years experience and specializes in pediatrics.

RN - pediatric nursing

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  1. Any 22 weekers out there?

    The "miracle baby stories" was a reference to how micro preemies are portrayed in the media, by hospital PR departments, Children's Miracle Network Telethon, etc. It is not MY reference, and never...
  2. Any 22 weekers out there?

    First of all they AREN'T miracles, and should never be referred to as such. This implies that the people working in the NICU are God-like, and of course no one can make that claim to fame. . ....
  3. Any 22 weekers out there?

    It's universally accepted that the lower the gestational age, the worse the outcome. Are there exceptions? Certainly. We ALWAYS hear about the exceptions. . those are the miracle baby stories that...
  4. Any 22 weekers out there?

    Of course. I do get that. Hence the topic of this thread. . . the saving of 22 weekers. .
  5. Any 22 weekers out there?

    There was an article a long while ago, that said the turnover of nurses in the NICU is higher than any other nursing profession. It's that crisis of conscience and the justification you mentioned that...
  6. Any 22 weekers out there?

    Yes, there are definitely things worse than death. The general public is never faced with the ethical dilemmas in the NICU. And how ironic that it is probably the most ethically fraught area of...
  7. Any 22 weekers out there?

    All the responsibility for dealing with the messes other people make? I would say that is not true. Your shift ends, your career can change. Parents of former micro preemies who face a life time of...
  8. Any 22 weekers out there?

    And llg - My point was, it would give one a healthy balance to spend some time in the homes, community, school system, social service system (and the PICU as adventure rn described above) to get an...
  9. Any 22 weekers out there?

    adventure rn Yes, you articulated so well, the point I was trying to make. Thank
  10. Any 22 weekers out there?

    It was not my intent to "blame the nurses" - it's the NICU system as a whole, plus the hospital PR department that wants to always couch saving one pound fetal/infants as "miracles". .rarely is the...
  11. Any 22 weekers out there?

    I'm suggesting that the NICU is fairly insulated from the real world. The years and decades of pain and suffering inflicted upon families has been well-hidden from the public. Families go into the...
  12. Any 22 weekers out there?

    When I started my most recent nursing career, I was encouraged to go into the NICU. . I told the MD and a NP, that I could not live with myself knowing how severe the micro preemies turn out far too...
  13. Any 22 weekers out there?

    Anyone working in the NICU should be required to work for 6 months caring for former micro preemies in the home (first). The 3 year olds, 10 year olds, 30 year olds. The trachs, vents, autism, severe...
  14. Full Moon Syndrome: Fact or Fiction

    Well, interestingly, my daughter had grand mal seizures - uncontrolled no matter the medication or surgical procedure we had tried. I started to notice that her seizures were most often affiliated...
  15. Ventriculostomy Insertion

    In premature infants with post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus, over draining can cause the skull to collapse and cause more