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All Content by multi10

  1. Is SF General Hospital unionized?
  2. In LTC, there is always the wound care, which can take 20 minutes to a half-hour, per patient, per nurse. Wound-care nurses are so important. They know everything about pain relief, etc. ("Give pt. pain relief 20 minutes prior to dressing change."...
  3. This makes me sad. A Registered Nurse in USA is making $23.00/hr In 2013? In an LTC/skilled facility with trachs, IVs and feeding tubes? Something is wrong. We all know that the work-load in LTC/skilled is difficult. What's the nurse-patient ra...
  4. Family is trying to kill me!

    I always considered myself a dog person. Then I took a private duty case, working nights. There were 2 cats in the house and I liked those cats very much. They were smart, curious, and affectionate. They were fun to watch. After that, I rescued ...
  5. ICU Nurse needs advice

    Focus on an area that you find interesting. For me, it was pulmonary. I was fascinated by ABGs. We drew them ourselves, sometimes by stick. Every day was exciting because I learned so much. This was a teaching university hospital so the interns ...
  6. Help with Pharmacy issues paper

    OP, Why do you believe it is appropriate to denigrate another profession? "...there are too many lawyers in the world." People love to complain about lawyers...until they need one.
  7. Lateral violence

    Newldrn, The answer is "Yes." I have overcome the whispers, et al, and had a positive outcome. You are finally in the specialty you always wanted. That's a goal you set for yourself and you are there. Don't let others run you off.
  8. Zaggar, You've been a nurse for 8 years and you still love it. That's fantastic! You should be proud. It's not easy, and 12 hour shifts are so long, especially when you get that 11th hour admission. It is especially cruel when the oncoming n...
  9. OP, you will be amazed at how things like bodily functions won't bother you so much as you encounter them more and more. Things that you may find revolting and/or disgusting today just won't bother you, say, a year from now. They are not free-flowi...
  10. How did you choose your agency? What should I ask?

    Get everything in writing. The thing about sites is that usually the people who are unhappy post. The vast majority of nurses, the happy ones, just do their job and enjoy seeing new places. They typically don't post because they are too busy. Th...
  11. Registered Nurses: Do you like your jobs?

    Nursing is fantastic. There is nothing like it. I was fortunate enough to be a pulmonary ICU nurse at a major university hospital, just when the AIDS crisis was arriving in our unit. Some of the nurses refused to care for patients with AIDS. I wa...
  12. Telemetry to ICU.... To stay or not....

    VANurse2010, I'm sorry to learn that you are working among a toxic nasty group of people in the ICU. Are you able to care for your patients? Are you learning every day/are you excited to learn? Not all of your colleagues are toxic and nasty. Do yo...
  13. There no crying in....nursing school

    ixchel I just got back from Hawaii and was able to read this. Such slander: To insinuate such evil to me. How dare you accuse a nurse (me, BSN) of kicking a patient when down? But, even worse, you threw words around that made no sense. Where is t...
  14. There no crying in....nursing school

    There is a song by Chrissie Hynde and The Pretenders called "Stop Your Sobbing." My favorite line in the song is "...makes me want to take you in my arms and tell you to stop all your sobbing." I wish I had the talent to have written that song.
  15. There no crying in....nursing school

    Some people just don't like a hint of tough love. I have no dog in this hunt. Do not throw me under the bus. I am not kicking the can down the road. At the end of the day, here is my message: I love nurses. I am one. I heart All Nurses dot com ...
  16. There no crying in....nursing school

    Sadala, I love your post I've examined the reasons nursing school is stressful. I attended nursing school and it is stressful. But it isn't "unduly" stressful. I am a happy BSN graduate of University of Maryland. I married and did the whole thing:...
  17. There no crying in....nursing school

    I am ignorant about OP's situation. I can only respond to the information provided. My comment was based on the original post. I couldn't imagine gaining 40 pounds in one year, and I wanted to know how that happened. I was curious and also concer...
  18. There no crying in....nursing school

    I didn't know the 40 pound weight gain in a year was because she (OP) was pregnant. She didn't mention that she just blamed her weight gain on nursing.
  19. There no crying in....nursing school

    You initially blamed your weight gain on being a nurse. But you were pregnant and gave birth to a child. That explains the 40 pound weight gain. I'm happy for you.
  20. Telemetry to ICU.... To stay or not....

    My advice: Go to the ICU. It's a whole new world where you, as a nurse, get to know and manage your 2 patients and all of their systems (cardiac, pulmonary, renal, etc.). You will save lives in a first-person way. The doctors will respect you and c...
  21. There no crying in....nursing school

    Forty (40) pounds you gained in one (1) year? That's almost a pound a week. How can you carry all that extra weight? How did this happen? I can only surmise that you changed your eating habits drastically. Your hips and knees and joints are go...
  22. Whats your favorite montra or saying?

    Don1984, I love Suart Smalley in the mirror with his daily affirmations. Brilliant. There are so many literary references to looking in the mirror and giving a pep-talk to your reflection. "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" Song: "...
  23. Whats your favorite montra or saying?

    "All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well." I was on a book-reading tear last summer and this became my mantra, but, I don't know where I read it. Also, my mom always said, "Carry on as if you knew what you w...
  24. Best City to Work/ Have a Career in

    I can't help it. I'm in love with San Francisco. For nurses, it's just the best. The prestigious medical centers and hospitals where we all learn so much. Golden Gate Park to walk through. Napa and Sonoma for wine tasting. Tahoe for skiing.
  25. Mandatory Meeting With CNO

    The hospital CEOs are not certain about what Obama-care will bring so they are ensuring that they accumulate their acorns and get their money out before the changes are put into place. Wall Street doesn't like uncertainty. Neither does any entrenche...