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All Content by Bonnie86

  1. Day shift or night shift - Which do you prefer? Why?

    I love nights. We are busy, but the pace is much, much slower than days. Less family, practically no doctors around, and generally less medications to pass out. My last shift was awesome. 4/5 of my patients were stable and slept through the e...
  2. Houston New Grads Beware of St. Luke's

    I'm sorry you had to go through this. I have a few nursing classmates still looking for jobs a year later. I work at a hospital and trust me, you're better off where you are. I've said this once and I'll say it again, the ONLY GOOD THING about ...
  3. Bought some Wonder Wink scrubs today. Planned on wearing them tomorrow so I threw them in the wash. Took them out of the dry and they were a wrinkled hot mess. Even after ironing them using steam and starch they are STILL a HOT WRINKLED MESS. ...
  4. I'm a new grad one month off orientation and have been working days. I have been totally overwhelmed. After talking to many of the night nurses I decided I wanted to try nights. I think that's the best place for me as a new grad. I asked to be mo...
  5. Not happy with medsurge

    I'm leaving the place that trained me after 6 months for a night position closer to home. Did I feel guilty about leaving them after 3 months of training and almost 3 months on my own?? Initially I did, but you have to do what makes you happy. ...
  6. I haven't given an update on my status in a while, but I ended up getting offered the night position at the hospital 15 minutes away from home and I took it!!! I will start orientation there this Friday. I'm excited about the night position and h...
  7. Is giving meds early common??

    I just finished my 2nd week off orientation as a new grad and feel that all I'm doing is running around giving meds ALL DAY. I work 7a/7p and have been staying until 9:30 to do charting. I don't have time to look at labs, orders, do dressing changes....
  8. Thanks. I don't want to seem like I'm implying that night nurses have it easy. I know it can be just as busy. I have spoken with many, many night nurses and they all say it's a "different kind of busy than days." I respect that. I know it's go...
  9. ADN Program Failure rate

    Yes, welcome to hell. We lost about 1/2 our class in the first two semesters either entirely out of the program or they ended up falling behind a semester. The biggest advice I can give you is: DON'T TAKE ANY ASSIGNMENT FOR GRANTED. When the *...
  10. Well, I wouldn't ever leave one job without having another. Thanks for the advice. I just don't feel days are right for me as a new nurse and I have the anxiety it causing me.
  11. Feeling defeated, lost and stupid.

    I'm new RN off orientation a few weeks. I work days and it's crazy busy. Yesterday I didn't have time to chart until the end of shift. I was there until 10 p.m. exhausted physically and mentally. I'm now stressing about the crappy job I did ch...
  12. Feeling defeated, lost and stupid.

    Good luck Lilybug12! I feel I went to a great nursing school, for the most part, BUT overall I don't think that they prepare you for what is's **really** like. They preach perfect world holistic nursing and I don't think it actually exists -- at l...
  13. Feeling defeated, lost and stupid.

    Thanks for the encouragement. We'll see how things go. I've still got moving to night shift on my mind. I'll see how things go in the next few weeks and decide.
  14. Feeling defeated, lost and stupid.

    I'm working 12 hour days. My preceptor moved another floor (oncology). I asked to go with her and was up there about a week, but then they needed nurses on Med Surg so back I went. Thanks for the words of encouragement.
  15. Feeling defeated, lost and stupid.

    THanks. I am considering night shift. My manager pulled me into her office recently and asked how things were going. She said some of the nurses have told her I seem very overwhelmed. True. She was really nice about it and asked if I wanted to g...
  16. Feeling defeated, lost and stupid.

    Our ratio is 5 patients, but a few days ago I was given 6 patients. Five is stressful enough for me. I have been gotten after a few times for different things like leaving an admission for night nurse (patient came to my unit at end of my shift. ...
  17. That's nuts. Sorry to hear this. If the BON is going to let you take NCLEX, what about getting the RN and working outside of a hospital? Are you completely ruling that out?
  18. Is giving meds early common??

    Thanks for all the tips. I work 7A/7P in a hospital on Med Surg floor with five patients who 90% of the time are very elderly. That means the 8 and 9 a.m. med pass usually includes all kinds of BP, heart, vitamins, stool softeners, etc. They have ...
  19. You're a baby!! I just graduated with my first degree and I'm 43!!
  20. What career did you have before nursing?

    I did medical transcription for 20 years. RN at 43. It's never to late to learn something new.
  21. RN salary/pay in Dallas area

    I'm a new grad and was started at $26 in Texas at a Christus hospital. That seems low with experience.
  22. Vodka tampons?!?

    Those crazy kids! What will they think of next?!
  23. How much orientation

    Three months in Med Surg at my hospital.
  24. Do you want to go to nursing school? I'm confused. Why would you want to waste time and money getting an associates and then learning to code if you plan on going to nursing school??
  25. I'm going to be starting a med surg job soon. I'm a new grad and all my previous employments have been very sedentary. I'm curious, did any of you lose weight when you started nursing from all the walking around? Do new nurses tend to gain or ...