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About GoldenDomer

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  1. UMB Spring 2011

    I received my call yesterday...will be attending the Baltimore campus. Good luck to
  2. I took TEAS V this past August, didn't study for it, and did well. The scope of my preparation was performing a google search for sample TEAS questions that I reviewed the day before the test, just...
  3. UMB Spring 2011

    A friend of mine, who has also applied for Spring 2011 admission, was told that a decision could be expected around the middle of October. That seems a bit premature to me given the volume of...
  4. Letters of recommendation?

    Here is my two-cents... Given that admission into UMB is highly competitive and that the admissions committee seems to place significant emphasis on the applicant's science GPA, I would endeavor to...
  5. Have faith in yourself and confidence in your abilities...take a few cleansing breaths before you start and take your time in reading the questions. Although the sections are timed, you will complete...
  6. UMB Spring 2011

    Yeah...its been easy for me as well...kind of boring if truth be
  7. UMB Spring 2011

    so what do you think of the class thus far? who do you have for
  8. UMB Spring 2011

    I have in the Tue/Thu class from 11:00-12:15; Professor Karen
  9. UMB Spring 2011

    I am taking nutrition at AACC as well...that is my last
  10. UMB Spring 2011

    I would think that would be sufficient assuming you have a competitive GPA, solid academic references and possibly some applicable work experience. From what I hear, the admissions committee places a...
  11. UMB Spring 2011

    I just sent in the balance of my documentation yesterday (8/30) via FedEx; so hopefully my "Application Summary" gets updated within the next day or two (or three) to "Committee Ready". My composite...