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All Content by anthongy817

  1. Juvenile record and TBON

    Thanks for the reply! Yes, I've been working as a pharm tech for 4.5 years, but the board of pharmacy is much more lenient. If I can remember correctly, they only asked to disclose any arrests that were within 3 months. I know Texas does NOT automat...
  2. Juvenile misdemeanor charge in Texas

    I have a few juvenile misdemeanor charges from Tarrant County in Texas. If I can remember correctly, I was 15 and 17 at the time of the charges and they were for petty theft. I will be 25 years old this year and have not been arrested since (only a f...
  3. Juvenile misdemeanor charge in Texas

    Well I spoke with the custodian of records at the juvenile center and she is working to get them mailed to me. I also asked for certified copies of my court documents but she said that I must get them from the district clerk's office. I called the di...
  4. Enforcement Review TX BON

    Hi all. Do you all know if TBON look at juvenile misdemeanors more lightly? I have a total of five misdemeanors that are around 10 years old when I was juvenile. TBON uses L-1 Identity to conduct their fingerprinting background check. If I pay extra ...
  5. Juvenile misdemeanor charge in Texas

    Also another question. Can I register to sit for the exam prior to doing the background check? I'd rather have passed my NCLEX first and then wait for the declaratory order to go through; reason is that the longer I wait, the more stuff I will eventu...
  6. Juvenile misdemeanor charge in Texas

    Ouch that really is terrible. The BON sure is a horrible committee... So I went ahead with my first step and sent a request for records to the custodian of records at the juvenile center that I was charged at. I guess whatever shows up there is what ...
  7. Juvenile misdemeanor charge in Texas

    In the state of Texas, I know that juvenile records are not automatically sealed/expunged at the age of 18. We are required to personally submit the request to a judge for approval. Quite lame since I was in high school with a wrong group of people a...