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All Content by Nicoa

  1. Hey guy, I am a new grad and having a heck of a time finding my first job. I have recently in the last month moved to a big city because there are more jobs here then in the small town in which I came from. I have networked, attended church, gone t...
  2. Job helps for us new grads!

    Did anyone feel any animosity toward their workplace for they way they treated you when looking for your first job?!
  3. I know I just feel foolish doing it I really need some the restaurant industry it was easy for me to get jobs, but i guess after 1 yr of RN'ing it will be easy again. I am so not a timid person, but I am when it comes to HR people I s...
  4. So I feel crazy uncomfortable calling the HR departments. I know they do not want to talk to me and they make it obvious when I call. What is a trick to get over this fear?!?! I freeze up when I call and 90% of the time I get transfered to voicemai...