Mandychelle79 ASN, RN


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All Content by Mandychelle79

  1. Mandychelle79

    knock it off or i'm going to put you in restraints!

    My objective of the patient is toeing the line is to eliminate the audience so I offer going back to their room or going into the seclusion room with the door open for a calm down period. When they make their choice we offer prns if ordered.
  2. Mandychelle79

    If you want to work in psych you must be crazy yourself...

    I work psych, and while I have never been dx with a mental illness officially... ADHD and Antisocial personality disorder traits, per our attending psychiatrist. I often say if I wasnt a bit crazy I would not be able to do my job. Seriously what sa...
  3. Mandychelle79

    Has anyone else "sensed" when something was wrong with a patient?

    I called the dr one night at 2 am based on a gut feeling. Luckily it was the dr I have a good rapport with because there was nothing I could pinpoint what was wrong. I just kept saying, I dont like this feeling, I needs meds for him now, no he isnt...
  4. Mandychelle79

    Psychiatric Medication Nurse

    I am usually charge but on our unit EVERYONE during the shift is assigned safety check times. When making out the assignment sheet I take into consideration what times the med pass is for the 3-11 shift there is a small one around 5 and our large on...
  5. Mandychelle79

    Answering Phone Calls & Maintaining Confidentiality

    If they call in asking to speak to a patient we just send the calls to the pt. phone whether they are there or not. The patients will either find the person or say I'm sorry he or she is no longer here/ never been. If they call in asking about info...
  6. Mandychelle79

    Non nursing duties

    I don't expect my mht's to do anything I won't do. So yes I do checks, pass out trays, open bathrooms, get educational packets, go through belongings, take triages. Most shifts I have two hours of checks, visitors or a group. There are some that b...
  7. Mandychelle79

    My First Code

    I have a parasympathetic dump after codes. I actually take benadryl right after to help me not shake and puke.
  8. Mandychelle79

    Ideas for groups run by RNs?

    I can facilitate any group that is scheduled and depending on staffing matrix do so. Groups that go over well with me running Med group coping skills relapse prevention (dual unit) anger management areas I have experience in
  9. Mandychelle79

    discharge/scripts & pt responsibility

    Even with paper scripts you run into the issue of the pharmacy not having the Med. My friend is on sapharis, new order last friday, not available till Monday. Happened enough with my daughters adhd med that I called around to make sure they had it ...
  10. Mandychelle79

    Involuntary hold guidelines

    The county i work in can be interesting if the 302 proceeds to a 303. I've gotten pretty good at knowing what will or won't stand, what the lawyer will pounce on. If we feel the likelihood of losing the 303 is high doc typically holds the patient a...
  11. Mandychelle79

    To tell or not to tell?

    I try not to say anything but Im usually only in the ER/ Quick Clinic. I even said to my husband about not disclosing I was a nurse in the ER and he said well babe, most dont say I flushed my eye with about 500 cc's of saline ( allergic reaction). ...
  12. Mandychelle79

    Does your facility ask you to sleep over when it snows?

    I have a full set of scrubs, contacts, glasses, brush, sweat pants and t shirt for sleeping in at a coworkers house. If I cant make it home in my 4x4, I stay at her house. Heck I stayed there last night and didnt have to work today, just didnt feel...
  13. Mandychelle79

    alcohol withdrawal-Ativan

    I used to think something similar until I took the time to talk to my cousin who was dealing with his own addiction issues. He put it in perspective for me and I have never forgotten it. They forget what the pain of w/d is like, just like a woman f...
  14. Mandychelle79

    Ratios in acute psych

    Over all ratio is 1:4-1:5. Usually get 2 nurses 2 mts at 14, below 14 it's a crap shoot.... Could be 1rn/2 mts. 2 rn/1 my, 2 RNs or 1rn/ 1 mt. Nights it is a 1:8 1rn/ 1 mt till 16, over 16 gets 3 staff, usually 1 RN and 2 mts
  15. Mandychelle79

    Alarms? Do they work?

    I worked LTC and a geri psych unit where alarms were used. My mom has worked LTC for 35 yrs. We have the same opinion... more often than not the alarm just tells us that someone is already on the floor. For ever fall I prevented from happening ab...
  16. Mandychelle79

    Nursing Culture

    I dont know if it is a generation thing or just a work ethic thing. Without getting into shift wars, though heaven knows our unit has them, this seems to be the case. 7-3 does have the more experienced nurses but the therapists are the same age as ...
  17. Mandychelle79

    Security guards

    We have two per shift for entire hospital. Though Pts have told me im scarier than security (and they kniw if im calling the code, there's big issues)
  18. Mandychelle79

    Patient rights to refuse?

    At times the TREATMENT team decides that it is in the patients best interest to be locked out of the room between certain hours. It is part of the patients individual treatment plan. The treatment plan usually says if x does not attend 3 groups x w...
  19. Mandychelle79

    How many have actually had to administer epi?

    Not a school nurse... But ive dosed myself with Epi... dang wasps. My instructions are if reacting to inject and go to er if needed. For a kiddo, Id be calling and shipping.
  20. Mandychelle79

    Getting unemployment for called off

    I live in Pa and yes you can do this. I have ( well when I was an aide). Basically, you have to be a set schedule so if you are a 1.0 if you drop below your 40 hours, if you are a .6 you would have to drop below the six days a pay. And if you pick...
  21. Mandychelle79

    Why can't CPI be 2 years like everything else?

    We don't use CPI but use Critical Crisis Management.... It's a yearly renew too. I don't mind
  22. Mandychelle79

    dischargin psych pts question

    When we d/c someone we require their ride to come to the unit to pick them up. If they have their car on property we send them out the door. Taxi, picks up at unit, and by bus a staff member walks over with them and makes sure they get on the bus.
  23. Mandychelle79

    this is getting old

    Because I am a smart alek I would just shoot back then why the heck do you guys kick the patients you cant handle to us ( usually without being medically stable)
  24. Mandychelle79

    January 2015 Caption Contest: Win $100!

    What do you mean you didn't order an enema.... Yes you did, I wouldnt have given it had you not*** * true story. Doc reconciled a PTs home meds from a nursing home and an enema was part of the bowel protocol and who ever put in the home meds missed ...
  25. My thought process is they are either going to pay me for my lunch that I didnt take or for the 30 mins I stay over to clean up things. Less flack for staying over 30 cause I can also "document" why I was late punching out. I also FORCE my other st...