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About nursepenelope

nursepenelope has 7 years experience.

Latest Activity

  1. Try home health nursing. If you like educating your patients, and you already stated you want more one on one, hh might be a great option for you. Also, assisted living you get to know pts really...
  2. Wait after the interview...

    Did you get the job? I hope
  3. Did I ruin my interview?

    Good for you!
  4. K+MgSO4 What is the right answer when asked about wage if you are interviewing with a county agency or union where wage is already set, and youre not sure of the wages for your position? Is there a...
  5. How do you know when to get an order?

    I received a phone order for medication change. I made the changes, per order and protocol, aced the doctor the order to sign. When he came in, he denied giving me the order. In front of everyone, I...
  6. Kaiser Recruitment Process

    Hi, I just spoke with a recruiter about a job I applied for in home health. she is going to set me up to take a math quiz and the automated phone interview. can anyone please give me any pointers on...
  7. Anyone Who Says They Don't is Lying: Medication Error

    One more thought! If someone wants to talk to you while you are in the process of getting meds ready, kindly let them know what you are doing and you can't talk right this minute. Then attend to them...
  8. Anyone Who Says They Don't is Lying: Medication Error

    When I did my psych rotation, there was a med tech that gave all meds. Although, there was a team that engaged when an emergent situation arose that would give injections...ex., a person was getting...
  9. Anyone Who Says They Don't is Lying: Medication Error

    We are all too scared of killing someone! But, mistakes still unfortunately happen. Using the 5 rights wouldn't have stopped Bonnie from making that mistake. Checking to see if any new orders came...
  10. Should I take this job?

    Depends on what state you live in. That would be awsome experience. Money isn't everything and you can always move on once you get that 6 months to one year acute care experience you need. You might...
  11. Just Terminated

    Lilmglvn, I don't believe the board gets envolved. They may have let you go because of a family member. May a daughter/son, etc, threatened to move the resident to a different facility if you weren't...
  12. Why You Need an Elevator Speech

    Can I ask what your looking for during the interview process and with the resumes? I have had several nursing jobs already, but can't land one I really want or a hospital job. I think I'm horrible at...
  13. question about age

    Hi, I know most nurses graduate young. I waited until my kids were older and I have more life experience as a result than younger nurses. On the other hand, I have not been able to get a job in acute...
  14. writing a good resume

    I have a question from nurse managers, hiring managers, HR: I graduated in 2008. I have worked as a nurse but no acute care. I've had interviews, but no "yes, you've got the job". I have written and...
  15. I am in the same position. I graduated in 2008 wanting to be an L & D nurse. I did an externship and preceptor ed in it and still can't get a job. Not even in acute care. What the heck. Does...