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About Dixiecup

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  1. I failed my FNP boards...help.

    I don't think it has anything to do with the way you study it's the test you get dealt. there are several versions. I believe there is one test that very few pass and only by luck. I failed the AANP...
  2. Would absolutely do it again. Just wish I had done it a little quicker. Started out as an LPN at 30. Worked, went to school and repeat. I am now 57 and have been an NP 5 years. It's worth it if for...
  3. LPN Starting pay in your area?

    I live in rural MO. Not an LPN but I was a ADON at a skilled nursing facility a few years ago. Starting salary with no experience about 15 an hour. But at the hospital medical clinic, Dr office LPN...
  4. Productivity Bonus

    I worked family practice for about three years. I got five dollars extra for every pt I saw over 12 per day. It was paid
  5. Most of my clinicals were in very rural areas. Some days we would see 25 pts, other days 3! I still got to claim eight hours of clinical time if I was there eight hours. I had one instructor actually...
  6. Anyone in Advanced Patho?

    Most difficult course in the whole program! Some people love that stuff, I am not one of them! Thankfully my instructor also offered a study guide for tests. Otherwise I would have flunked. Also my...
  7. i was in a totally online program. Took two classes per semester including summers. I worked as an ADON at a skilled nursing facility. I could flex my hours to fit my needs as long as I got my 40...
  8. online np program

    I could not have got my degree without it. I worked fulltime during the whole program! Couldn't afford to quit. It was tough but
  9. Negotiating the new job

    The deciding factor in my job now (it's a convenient care walk-in clinic. similar to urgent care) was a monthly stipend of $650 a month for student loan repayment. I have a large student loan debt and...
  10. Job opening for FNP in Missouri

    what part of Missouri do you live
  11. Failed AANP

    Just register and take the test again. Unless you get the same test again, you will pass. I was in the same boat as you are about 3 years ago. I have come to the conclusion it's a money making scam....
  12. The raw truth about what NPs really do

    I refuse to work for salary. I get paid an hourly wage and time and a half for every hour over
  13. NHSC-Anyone with experience??

    my clinic's score was
  14. NHSC-Anyone with experience??

    I coulde neverget them to give me a clear cut answer as to why I wans'nt awarded the money. The clinic I worked for really played this up as a big marketing tool. When I left I told them they needed...
  15. NHSC-Anyone with experience??

    I worked for an FQHC rural clinic for 3 years for the specific reason of the loan repayment. I was told when I was hired that in the over 20years the clinic had been open no one had ever not been...