
linnaete ASN, BSN, MSN

Psych, Maternity, ER, Ortho

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About linnaete

linnaete has 14 years experience as a ASN, BSN, MSN and specializes in Psych, Maternity, ER, Ortho.

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  1. Regis College Online PMHNP Spring 2020

    It's a lot of work, but I work 40+ hours and can't lighten my load (military) plus I have 3 toddlers sooo... haha! You definitely need to have self-motivation to keep on track with reading and...
  2. Regis College Online PMHNP Spring 2020

    My admissions advisor called me to let me know, and then I had to accept by replying to their email notification. Still waiting to hear from my enrollment advisor for class plan and my school email...
  3. Regis College Online PMHNP Spring 2020

    Yes around there. I haven't received my course schedule yet, but it will be either 4 or 5
  4. Regis College Online PMHNP Spring 2020

    I also just got accepted to the Spring start! Which program are you in? I am doing the post masters
  5. Excelsior MSN

    This is an older thread, but wondering if anyone could tell me how doable it is to take NUR 541 (15 weeks) along with NUR 513 (8 weeks). Community and Evidence-Based practice.
  6. Postpartum Hemorrhage tool kit

    I work on postpartum and we also have a PPH kit in the fridge. Cytotec, hemabate, pitocin, methergine, syringes, gauze, alcohol pads, flushes and I can't remember what else right this
  7. Have you ever thought about doing ROTC while going to nursing
  8. private cord blood collection

    Ditto. We have 150-200 deliveries a month and I'm lucky if I see one or two per
  9. SVD is usually Q8H 800mg Motrin, with PRN tylenol, percocet, or T3 for those intolerant to the percocet. Our C-Sections get duramorph epidural with toradol and percocet for breakthrough 24hrs after...
  10. Navy NCP online/campus degree

    I graduated in October, conferred in December and went to ODS in
  11. NCP duration is 2 years max, so you have some time to get your grades up before you apply. It doesn't hurt to start talking to a recruiter now, but they probably won't even let you apply until you are...
  12. Navy NCP online/campus degree

    You can obtain an RN-BSN degree online with the NCP, that's how I did it. As long as it's
  13. Best Navy Hospital for Critical Care

    With your CCRN, you're guaranteed the critical care subspecialty code that defines you as a critical care nurse... But you are not 100% guaranteed an ICU position in the Navy. Yes, it would be silly...
  14. Lateral Transfer for Non-Nurse (Navy)?

    There is a lateral (redesignation) board you can find at the NPC website, but I'm not sure that the nurse corps would be included in the needs right now. There was a new NAVADMIN released (048/13)...
  15. New to Navy, ODS, Portsmouth-need any help?

    The Tiki, My oath of office shows present grade date of December 4th. I finished my program in October but wasn't officially conferred until December and I didn't go to ODS until Jan. I am prior...