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About AcidicLemons

AcidicLemons specializes in None ! :[.

2o years young--Biology major. Nurse wannabe [gonnabe].

Latest Activity

  1. Should I forget about nursing?

    @nobhill--I was actually really worried about the time frame for my completion. I had the mindset that I -had- to finish in a certain amount of time, but that is definitely not the case. It'll take a little longer, but it will be worth it. :] I'm tal...
  2. Overweight Nurse?

    Ahhhh!--I see what you mean. I didn't mean to make it sound as if it were the only cause. At least especially from my personal experience it was because of my own personal habits (I'm assuming, because my family claimed of no such condition running i...
  3. bio vs ap

    :) I use flash cards to help remember parts. I also find it extremely helpful to go to the lab...& actually look at the physical models there, point to the structures & recite its name out loud. Especially helpful for the bones. If anyone els...
  4. bio vs ap

    Personally, I think Chemistry is the hardest. :[ Mostly because I'm not good at all the...things associated w/ chemistry. Biology is challenging, but it was mostly memorization to me. I'm taking A&P now, & it's a lotttt of information as well...
  5. Should I forget about nursing?

    @CuriousMe; I'm actually taking A&P now--& I love the subject & its challenge. I plan on doing nothing but great in it. @SoxGirl2008; That's encouraging to hear! I'm really buckling down, trying to keep my grades & my focus up. :) ...
  6. Overweight Nurse?

    :0 Sorry--I know! I just felt really compelled to share my story, because it's quite hard to find people to relate to me w/ the whole PCOS issue. But! I use the website SoulCysters. They have a ton of articles, & research findings about PCOS. It'...
  7. Should I forget about nursing?

    Well, not exactly. But I have taken courses that are directly involved in nursing. Right now, I'm a Biology major--with a concentration of nursing. So on my current track, I'd be finishing this second year, & then transferring to MCG (pending acc...
  8. Should I forget about nursing?

    :) Thanks for the advice everyone. I'm going to try my hardest for this !
  9. Overweight Nurse?

    :] I thought I'd add to the PCOS/overweight conversation here, since I can wholly relate to it. Diagnosed with PCOS about 7 years ago (I'm 2o), & I was in middle school. Was not on The Pill, but my family doctor diagnosed me as being diabetic no...
  10. Should I forget about nursing?

    Hullo all! I'm sorry I didn't go introduce myself first in the forum, but I've been thinking about my dilemma for quite a bit, & I'd really like input. I'm a 2nd year Biology major with a horrible GPA. I was placed on academic probation last seme...