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About bigjay

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  1. Tired of bedside nursing

    I worked bedside on an oncolgy/g-med floor for twelve years and didn't realize how tired I was of it until I recently transferred to ER. ER is still technically "bedside" but there's such a variety...
  2. To flush or not to flush...advice please.

    This is how we did it at one facility I was at as a student. The upside is that you're minimizing the amount injected at each site. The downside is the potential for error if someone is not familiar...
  3. To flush or not to flush...advice please.

    You have to flush if the port tubing is primed with anything besides the drug you are giving. Otherwise as you said you are not actually giving the drug, simply whatever is in the tubing at the time....
  4. I find that being a male nurse you stick out more. People are more likely to remember you and notice you. This can be a positive or a negative depending on the perception. Generally for me I think...
  5. Please provide this information since the above above is an incredibly offensive
  6. Very minimal transmission risk since you cleaned his face before hand. MRSA will only colonize in moist environments (rectum, nares, lungs, etc) or the bloodstream. His face (the surface she touched)...
  7. Nursing school definately gives you a pretty wide dating pool if you want to go there. I did and it never became an issue with my classmates. I did tend to date either above or below my year which...
  8. I think you have to take this type of behaviour on a case by case basis. One thing I always look at it why the patient is in hospital and what their future expectations are. If they're going to be...
  9. Sex Discrimination or not?

    Why would the OP want to go into L+D/OB? Probably for the same reasons any female would, an interest that area of nursing. One's genitalia generally don't determine what field of nursing we're...
  10. Had a gentleman who at 0100 pulled out his pain pump, IV from his port-a-cath, NG tube and foley. Refused to have any put back in, called the doc, doc said it was okay and to leave him until the...
  11. Why So Many Unhealthy Nurses?

    I think there's a lot of factors leading to an unhealthy lifestyle in nurses. I also think that as a general population in North America we tend to have an unhealthy lifestyle so that doesn't make...
  12. My Poor Hands have been Washed Raw

    Try using cold water for your handwashing. That made a big difference for me, especially since as a male I generally don't use lotion on my
  13. methadone therapy for cancer pain?

    This may be a bit late since your brother is likely recieving his treatment now and hopefully is doing well. I work on an oncology inpatient floor and our palliative docs use methadone very...
  14. What do you love about working in oncology?

    I work on an onc/g-med floor and have been here for seven years. I love working in oncology. Cancer is a disease that is debilitating to body, mind and spirit. Working with people who have it is...
  15. Just accepted, what to expect being a guy?

    Hitting the gym is good advice for ALL nurses, not just men. So many of my co-workers have back and shoulder problems (I work on an inpatient ONC/GMED floor so there's lots of lifting and pulling) but...