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  1. flop the mop

    Cleaning solution out of a large sprayer and a clean mop head for every case. Never have used a wet vac, sounds loud and
  2. Shared Eye Drops between patients

    We do not share any type of meds between patients. Every thing has to be labeled for that particular patient, so it couldn't be
  3. Telephone Consent question

    I believe our policy requires two doctors signatures, usually it is the surgeons and the ER doctors that we get. Only for emergencies, and I have personally only used the policy once in 18
  4. 12-Step Coercion

    It has become quite evident that this is a very emotional topic, for all sides. If you are mandated to attend a 12 step program to keep your license, and you feel it violates your rights, then by all...
  5. 12-Step Coercion

    I wish the anger and frustration would be addressed to the powers that mandate people to attend the 12 step programs. I have said it before, going to say it again: I don't want to be part of a...
  6. 12-Step Coercion

    NO ONE should be forced by a governing group into ANY 12 step program. It sucks for the person being forced into the meetings, and it sucks for the people who are there because they want to be. And...
  7. 12-Step Coercion

    Who wants to be at a meeting where there are people who are forced to be there? If they feel the spiritual part of the program is unacceptable, how do they feel about the 'anonymous' part? I am...
  8. 12-Step Coercion

    I do agree that it is a spirtual program, although some call it religous. Not to be confused with 'Christian'. Never heard, in 20 plus years of 12 step meetings, a word about Jesus Christ. I know...
  9. Nursing neglect... Tornados

    Check your facilities policy book. There will be one that deals with the procedure you would take in the event there is a storm severe enough to move patients to a more secure
  10. circulator jewelry

    Circulators may only wear a watch, no other jewlery. That includes covering earrings, etc. We have signs posted every where, have a policy about it, and remind Xray, anesthesia personel, sales reps,...
  11. mfdteacher wrote: We do not need foreign nurses, we need to address the problems imposed by the system currently in place. As long as the dollar is more important than the patient, we'll never go...
  12. NURSES UNITE! Stand up for ourselves

    Add to the overworked, underpaid, and unappreciated: understaffed, and in my enviornment, lack of respect by physicians, which is fueled by adminitrations continued support of verbally abusive...
  13. need to vent

    Here is the scary part: Can you say "HIPPA"? Not only do we have to make sure patients are unable to get to things they shouldn't be taking home, we have to make sure ALL patients privacy is...
  14. Does your employer recognize "Nurse's Day"?

    There is no celebration at our hospital, because then they "would have to do something special for all other positions" meaning dietary, housekeeping, xray, lab techs, etc. Be grateful if your...
  15. Eyewear in OR

    I like the masks with the attached shields the best. Can't find a pair of goggles that are comfortable, and the side shields are ineffective,