
ObtundedRN BSN, RN

Critical Care

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About ObtundedRN

ObtundedRN has 6 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in Critical Care.

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  1. New grad hired onto MICU, I need advice!!

    ICU nursing is very physical as well. So be prepared to go home feeling like you've been physically beaten. Buy critical care nursing books and read them. There is so much to learn in the realm of...
  2. Carolinas Medical Center Nurse Residency

    I think all of the jouney interviews were done last week. Sorry if you didn't have an interview . The interviews are done by the individual nursing units. You could be asked to interview with a few of...
  3. ICU vs ER

    As a new grad, I went straight into ICU. I've never had any doubts that its what I wanted. I worked in EMS for 3 years prior to being a nurse. Working EMS, I already know exactly what comes through...
  4. Without Orders

    Haha, thank you. I always say the doctor has "prescribed" this XYZ treatment, and it is up to me to ensure it is appropriate to carry
  5. Charge nurse doing staffing, supervisor overriding orders?

    I could be wrong here, but specifying only males vs females allowed to care for a patient could be considered as discrimination. I would think they would do their best to get you a male, but I'm not...
  6. Rectal Cath. Foley bag disposal?

    Red biohazard trash at my
  7. Sounds like a place you don't want to work at
  8. So what exactly is a bed alarm?

    Turning q2 isn't evidence based. Maybe it's not good enough. Or maybe it really only needs to be done q4. And taking it as far to say criminal as a blanket statement could be a little drastic. If you...
  9. ACLS Certification

    An employer will pay you to take the class, versus you paying to spend your time taking it. Also, some employers like mine will make you retake their class anyways. Also, most likely as a student you...
  10. LPN Central / PICC Lines

    Can I add to the above: NC Lpns can only do as stated above as long as the facility has a policy allowing them to do it, and the facility provides eduction on how to do it, and maintains competency...
  11. Using. Strong penlight works well for them. You shine in into the skin and the vein will be darker. With all the fluid, the light passes through easily. You can shine it from the underside of the...
  12. Pain assessment: do you believe your pt when...

    If only this was true. This sounds like dayshift propaganda to me...
  13. Critical Hgb value changed

    At my hospital we usually don't transfuse unless
  14. Step-Down Nursing Unit (SDU) Overview, Differences to ICU

    Step-down does vary depending on the hospital. In my hospital, our ICUs are all the unstable with titrated vasopressors and sedation. They are 1:2 Our Progressive care is more stable but critical....
  15. Venipuncture

    I have to say, when starting out and even today I find IV starts to be easier then venipuncture... A lot of it comes with lots of practice, a lot of failure, and a few successes to find what works....